Get ready for extra Nickel water bottle deposits.

Yes that is a nice thing about GA, toss them right into the garbage.
We were paying for recycling at my place, but the first 3 weeks the garbage company picked up our recyle bin and tossed it in the back of the garbage truck, quit paying the extra…

GA does need to learn how to sell beer on sundays though.

:roflpicard: Yeah, this is the right attitude, hell lets put 5 cents on every consumable that comes in a recyclable packaging, I mean if you can afford to buy it that means you can afford to pay 5 cents more even if it is refundable right? Just think how much cleaner our streets will be!

Sorry, perhaps i was muddled in my thoughts. Too much supply of recyclable materials drives the price down to where it doesn’t make sense to bother with it. Suppliers of the recycled materials have a certain cost they have to maintain to keep their doors open.

When it was novel, people would pay higher $/pound for the materials, as supply has increased that has eroded making it less and less desirable as a business venture.

I never really thought of that LOL!

I hate bottled water. I will buy one maybe once a month when I’m out somewhere and need a quick drink. I have a filter system on the faucet, and my well water is amazing thanks to the filter system that the previous owners installed a few years back. I like to re-use glass Sobe bottles for water on the go. The glass keeps them colder and I even found good plastic caps that fit them. Saves money and there is less waste. Isn’t it true that you aren’t supposed to re-use plastic water bottles for some reason?

I’m sure you are just pissing them off.


I’m so fucking sick of you pansy ass bleeding hearts who cry about stupid shit like this. Who fucking cares? Recycle your shit or drink out the fucking tap. Stop being fucking lazy.

Son of a bitch.