Get tape off tint?

Why didn’t you just get the hangar for the mirror? That’s what I always did, they have a checkbox on the parking pass thing where it asks if you have window tint.

Did the AirCraft remover I gave you last night work Ilya?

Vote 1 to ban KK for attempting to get a naive member to f-up their car. Not very good behavior for a forum sponsor!


Don’t know if spelled sarcasm incorrectly on purpose

or seriously can’t spell.


Will do next time. Thanks!

SUPER + rep for dat

As said before, let me know how your tint is in a few months after using windex. You’ll probably be redoing it anyways unless you like purple tint. I wish I went darker on my windshield as well, I did 35%. But I’ve already done it twice and I don’t feel like stripping the glue off again because its a pain in the balls. Here’s how 35% and 18 looks. Need moar dark.

It was like a 2x2" area that I used Windex. I normally use tint safe stuff like Invisible Glass or whatever it’s called. I’m sure I’ll be okay.

Yeah you’ll be OK, but that 2x2" area won’t be. It only takes once the ammonia soaks into the tint and it will fade and weaken the glue over time where the sunlight hits it. But what do I know about tint:dunno

I just find it hard to believe that from one application which was miniscule that it could ‘ruin’ tint. That’s all. I’m sure if it was used often or left on there for a long period of time that’s one thing…but it was a quick job on a tiny area.

I guess time will tell, but I have a feeling I’ll be fine. If not, I’ll be able to redo my windshield so no biggie.

Just throwing it out there. I own a window tinting business. I’ve seen lots of shit over the past few years I’ve been doing it.

That being said…if it does go bad…how much to pull off old tint and replace with say, 40%? Just the front windshield.

Also, how do you personally go about the registration stickers? I currently have a cutout for them which looks goofy to some (I’ve gotten used to it), but have been stopped a few times and the officers that stopped me either didn’t care or didn’t notice the OBVIOUS difference in glass ‘color’ where the stickers are and the surrounding area.

I’ve only done two windshields and both of them were in my STI. I actually have a few more lined up to do on friends cars. I just stuck my registration on the tint because they always fall off anyways. I taped my inspection sticker on, but didn’t firmly press it.

Oh okay.

Who the hell tints their windsheild?!? Isn’t that shit super unsafe, particularly at night? I mean, I’m all about the tint strip across the top so block the bright ass sun but not the entire windshield…

It’s actually safer there’s no glare or anything like that. Mine is only 35% so you can’t even tell from inside.

What he said.

No glare, less heat, etc. Not to mention it looks fantastic.

You really can’t tell from the inside. Mines 50%.


After (you can see where it’s tinted and not tinted):

whyyyyyyy is this thread still going LOL