Get tape off tint?

So…my dumb ass tried to be smart and avoid taping my UAlbany parking sticker to my front windshield.

What I did was take tape and tape stick side to sticky side so effectively making their sticker just a piece of paper.

I then tape two little tiny pieces of tape on top and bottom of the sticker to keep it secured to the window.

Well, I can’t get those two pieces off by pulling…it’s hardened up.

What’s the best/safest way to get it off without ruining my front windshield tint?

Anyone got anything? I’ve read WD-40, blow drier, alcohol, etc. which I will be attempting tonight.


you need to stop posting broken images



I got it off. I had some Xerox Film Remover laying around from a printer repair job and gave it a try. Followed up with some Windex to clean it up and good as new. Isss nicceee.

nothing beats a spritz can with autobody “surface cleaner and wax remover”. $20 for a gal of the most potent, yet wont fuck with paint at all stuff you can get. You spray on and wipe off that stuff prior to scuffing panels, and between paint/repair steps.

Spray that on, let it sit for about 10 seconds, it will loosen it up hardcore and use a new razor blade on the glass to scrape it off. the Glass is harder than the razor blade so it wont scratch.

Wait, NM… I thought that was “get tint off”. Opps.

My suggestion is removing tint and the nasty glue left behind.

I got it off, but razor wouldn’t help me as it’s a tinted window.

Yep works great on tint! :rofl:rofl

YEAH YEAH YEAH… see my edit. I though it was “take tint off”.


kk u can’t use that stuff, its gonna take his tint off you dope !






Dude, that stuff will eat my tint!


KK that shit will take the tint the fuck off

jesus christ man that’s fucked up. lemme guess CRC does tint? conflict of interest much?

I’m telling vlad on you.

wow you’re actually trying to get him to remove his tint so he can come to you can get it put back on

foul play !

BACK PEDAL ALL YOU WANT NOW MOFUCKA ! i’ve figured it out!

:rofl :rofl

Windex ruins tainted windows, just so you know.

ammonia free glass cleaner is the best. ammonia turns tint purpleish

I think I’ll be okay…but if I’m not, it will give me the opportunity to redo my mistake. That is, go darker. 55% is too light. Should have went 40% or 45%. :lol