ahhh i heard alot of good things about this company once your hired and your job is secure. What is your actual job title there?
Not necessarily. They are a great employer with great opportunities for the right people. It is a company with very little turn over, but no market is 100% safe. They had lay offs last year, and quite a few got let go world wide. It was the first lay offs in something like 20 years for them.
If you can get in, it’s probably one of the best companies to work for in this part of the state; top 10 if not top 5.
Well look at my position.
I show up early ~15 mintues normally.
I pick up every shit shift there is.
I bust my ass, I work from clock in to clock out.
My boss has promised me raises, which I am yet to recieve.
I have spoke with him many times asking for more responsibilities or what I need to do to become store manager.
I was told I was next in line to be store manager. and then…
-He hired two managers, one to take over our current store and then the one he just opened up.
-He just interviewed another gentleman for his 3rd store to be manager.
I am getting fucked over, wasting my time more or less.
That’s why I am actively persuing another job. If you don’t like it, find a new one.
i read the question as how much should you expect to increase year over year. I would think an inflationary increase of 2-3% is standard if the company is doing okay. 0% if they’re not.
if you’re moving through the ranks then 5.5 years is a long ass time… you should double in pay or more inside 6 years if you’re awesome
Where do you work If you don’t mind me asking?
As far as quitting, or threatening to quit, it’s worth doing if you actually have something better to go to. You can’t make idle threats about these things because someone may call you on it and you make $0. Not to mention is sounds like something else may be better anyway, at which point, why stay???
Take the buffalo police test that is coming up. i would probably take it but i dont think i have enough credit hours yet
so you work for valvoline? Lol
I dunno maybe it is just me but I have always felt I was given fair pay/promotions. As long as you are representing yourself properly and have the required skills for the next position someone will take notice.
Personally unless you want to be fighting this type of struggle longer term I would suggest night school or some type of alternative training for higher demand positions. This will make you more valuable and increase earning potential as well as promotion potential to all employers.
TICK TICK TICK…that’s the sound of GM’s life running out. Their pension and benefit system alone will cause full collapse eventually, not even accounting for further union greed. So while I agree the bailouts saved thousands and thousands of jobs for now…it’s another floor on the deck of card house. JMHO anyhow.
I by no means am absolving other companies from scrutiny. I think the concept of “too big to fail” is a sign of the times here in America. We are entitled brats with no concept of reality (not all of us but you know what I mean). The banks are the worst offenders I think. Anyhow…I def agree with you on the idle threats and just looking elsewhere while getting a check. GL to the op!
Unfortunately it’s still an employer’s marker and it will be for some time especially in the Buffalo area. Like others mentioned if you have no alternatives you are in no position to negotiate. If they can replace you with someone for less money that makes matters even worse.
The only way to get good money these days is to get it up front. Otherwise you’re fucked. Don’t even get me started on “promoting for within” - another nice way to get short changed on pay by companies.
Ubeng- the valvoline of the local video game market.
I will be taking the buffalo pd exam along with the other 3000 people but I have taken exams with customs, border patrol, correction, civil service, air Marshall. I currently applied to take the exam for TSI and I put in two apps at csx which is where my friend landed a job.
Sounds like you’re doing all the right things. Keep pounding on the doors and eventually one will open for you. Focus on the next gig rather than the raise or lack thereof because it sounds like you really need to escape the current situation…raise or not.
Thanks man, i was just really upset that you will pay a guy more for him to stay but you wont for a guy who works his ass off for nothing. On average I had about eleven cent raise a year .
Be grateful you can even apply for those positions, being color blind with a Political Science BA seriously limits my options.
If I were you I would keep trying for the career you want and put your energy where it matters rather than finding another dead-end job.
sorry to hear that man.
thanks for the encouragement.
Why would you get a waste of a degree?
Because my 18 year old mind thought that dropping my mechanical engineering major and losing my scholarship to pursue something I was passionate about was a great idea. Live, learn and move on. I have bigger ambitions now anyway so I am not bitter.
Eh I know a few poli-sci majors who went on to work in Washington. It’s a tough career path to launch, but its not always a waste.