Ghetto Temp Fix?

Hey Guys,

I need to get my car on the road by the end of August and until I can find a non-hicas subframe, then the whole suspension shit goes on.

Until then I have to fix a leaking HICAS line near the back, where the fuel lines and all group together under the chassis. It is a small leak, half the diameter of a piss stream.

I was thinking of using muffler cement, since I have a tube lying around…any other ideas?

Oh I also thought of devaining the power steering pump to not have pressure going to the HICAS lines, and somehow plugging the pressure line. That could work…

talk about ghetto, muffler cement??? no way in hell will that work. just loop the line to the return line with some hose clamps if you want to be ghetto.

loop the lines i had the exact same problem. the line is probably leaking because of rust so don’t touch it! that shit will crumble

if u drain the system u’ll fuck ur pump.

I had to drive home with minimal to no fluid while it leaked. I think the pump already got some damage. It moans louder than usual even with fluid. No worries, as I planned to ditch it for a non hicas one and didn’t want to tow a drivable car at the time.

For looping the lines, I can do it from the back of the pump with it still installed in the engine bay, correct?

naw the lines going to the back are probably to rusty to loop it in back. i looped mine in the front, under the front frame rails.

Remove the Hicas pump undo the back of it and remove the fins for the hicas part of the pump, (this will disable the hicas section of the pump but your power steering will still work)
Go to home depot and buy a nut thats about the size of the banjo fitting on the hicas pressure line
Take the nut use it as if it were the banjo fitting and bolt it to the pump using the copper crush washers.

The Hicas section of the pump will no longer build pressure and will not leak, but your power steering fr the front will continue to function