Hicas Has Gone Ape On Me, Heellppp!

So yesterday i notice i have a slight leak in my Power Steering system in the hicas part. I top it up with fluid, the light goes out so im like sick.

Then im doing some Gtech runs around 9, and im at 6800 rpm in 3rd and smoke starts BILLOWING everywhere, i thought i blew up the hippos heart.

So i was like whatever did some more passes.

while im driving home my PS gives out. and the Hicas light is on again, so im like sick.

get home, pour in 1L of atf, 10 sec later its all over my driveway.

So im like, SICK.

I jack up the car, and what happend was the ps fluid hit my beautiful blitz nur spec piping and stained it with this huge black mark causing huge smoke.

When i got under it, it looks like the hicas distrubution block has sprung a leak and its one of the high pressure things because it was able to shoot a stream of ps fluid to my exhaust. all of the lines going to the back are ok, and the front likes and the lines going to the block are ok, but the block is drenched in atf.

So i took the belt off for now and drove to CSCS at cayuga, and i want my PS back lol.

Heres some pics…


Hicas block


top of the block


fluid on exhaust.

Help me !!212

get rid of hicas somehow.

Maybe take off the hicas line from the pump and find a bolt of that thread and size to just cap off the HICAS line? I’m not sure if this would have any negitives but i know you’re HICAS wouldn’t work! Make sure your HICAS light is on so it locks the rear square, then take the cluster out and take that bulb out so you dont have to see that gay light on all the time :slight_smile:

Problem solved for free!

That’s what I told him as well.

Just don’t get a bolt that’s too long, you don’t want to block the flow INSIDE the block by intruding into it with a bolt. Otherwise, I don’t think there shoul dbe any problems.

The only thing I can think of potentially being an issue is the HICAS PS pump is more powerful, so you might notice steering is a bit vague afterwards with increased pressure in the lines after blocking off part of the system. I could be completely off here though, not sure. You probably won’t notice anything except a lack of HICAS.

hicas breaks down at 195 kph, i thought everyone knew that…

No hicas broke after my MAD SICK DRIFTO SESSION JDM SICK DAWG in bolton.

i thought that was common knoldge?