global news on street racing!!

I remember that night…

It was the night before a CSCS event. I packed my car and went to the Shell at Hwy 7 and Valleymede to fill up. I making a left onto Hwy 7 from Valleymede and there was a cop stopped at the light heading west on Hwy 7. Obviously, I wasn’t gonna do anything stupid like peel out or anything (not that I normally do anyway) but immediately, the cop made a U-turn and on came the cherries.

I pulled over onto Commerce Valley. Cop came out, “This a routine check. Please step out of the car.” 2 minutes later, there were 6 cruisers and all the cops were crawling all over my car. They asked all sorts of stupid questions, “do you have nos?”, “do you have a cat”, “do you street race”. I only have a stock KA under the hood, so that wasn’t a problem, but they took a looong hard look at my wheel setup. I thought I was gonna get busted on that cause it does stick out a little, but doesn’t rub.

30 minutes later, I was on my way and the cops went and pulled over a slammed 911 with rims. They must be really bored or something.

Wayne you were just a target for their news feed…
How else would they get footage? Stage it…

And do you take your car to the track? And I don’t mean take it to the track to spectate, I mean to actually drive on the track.

last night i street raced a cop, and he gave me a thumbs up. true story.

I have a similar cop story where i was in my 100% stock pontiac sunfire steelies and tints and all season tires, 2 “York Region” officers pulled me over on hwy7 and islington in woodbridge, they actually made me pop my hood, rev my engine and show them my steering wheel hub??!?!

in the end it was a waste of an hour and those dumb pigs didn’t even find my stash…waahahhahahha

I’ve been passed by cops many of times before. They’ve run my plates on their computers, etc. They take a good look at the car, but they’ve never bothered me for anything. Every time I drive, I always keep a level head, drive the speed limit and don’t do anything stupid. My car’s tires have never touched Hwy. 7 and never will, I refuse to travel down that street when I’m in the area due to some of the stunts being pulled around that area by other drivers. I’m only 17 and I realize driving is a privilege, not a right, so I don’t abuse it. Driving a modified car is great, but if you do it, you should do it because that’s what you love to do, not to go out and race it up. Doing stupid things on the road causes them and their fellow enthusiasts to get excess, unwanted attention from police…and they know it does, yet people still do it anyway. Now, I realize that it’s not only the people’s fault, there are many, many power-hungry officers out there that watch too many of those cop shows and think that they have the right to do whatever they want just because they wear a badge. Example: about a month and a half ago at around 10:00 one night, I was just cruising down the 407, doing the speed limit, heading towards a buddy’s place to pick up some brake calipers, I see another car approaching my car from behind very, very quickly…within a few seconds, the car tears by and to no avail, the vehicle is plastered in “OPP” stickers. He zoomed by (going at least 180 because within no time at all, he was out of sight), yet no flashers, no lights, no sirens, no anything. Which makes me wonder, if the speed limit is 100 on the 407, and even IF that officer was doing 150 (which I’m very sure he was over that) and “street racing” is classified at 50kph over speed limit, would he too not get charged for racing, get his license suspended and lose one week of work? The line has to be drawn somewhere, I’ve noticed the streets have been a lot cleaner now, which is nice, no more having to tell stupid children (some who were a lot older than me) to grow up and get out of their “Fast and the Furious” fan-boy world. At the same time, people who don’t deserve this insane fines and are getting ticketed for nothing at all are being hit hard, while the morons (like the kids in the first video) are mostly getting away scott-free. I think something ought to be done to protect the people who modify cars for the sole love of the game. It’s kind of funny how the government refuses to build a track somewhere in the GTA, and yet the government is the one complaining about street racing, I mean I’m completely against street racing, but build a damn track at least. Oh…my helpful advice to everyone…stay the HELL out of Vaughan. If you remember those words, you’ll be fine :D.

Just my $0.02

Wall of text kept me from reading most of that…

LOL, I just realized how much I wrote. I always get upset when I hear about street racing stuff, especially on the news, because I hate it. Because of my disposition, I always write a whole lot about it. Anyhow, my post is there at your own disposal. Whether or not you want to read it is up to you. I did make some valid points however :cool:.

Its not so bad you need to avoid to completely, but do be careful on weekend nights like fridays and saturdays and holidays.

I take hwy7 to go to school.

I take hwy7 to go to work.

I live in one of the most heat hwy7 areas.

Not fun. But not unbearable. Just be careful, drive sane and you’ll be good.

It’s always easy to say they deserve it, until they get you, and you automatically feel like you didn’t deserve it, it’s always easier when it’s not you… You do not fully understand the repercussions of this law until it is too late. Under this law you are guilty until proven innocent, you are forced to pay fee’s regardless of whether or not your are truly guilty, and you are labeled criminal under a very ambiguous law. Does this seem fair to you? If you drive under the influence of drugs (illegal) and crash and get caught, you receive a minimum $1000 fine, possible jail time for future offenses, as well as have some tests taken and are forced to attend court.

But if you speed and get caught, you receive a minimum $2000 fine, (up to possible jail time, reflective of offense), you are forced to pay impound/ towing fees, guilty until proven innocent,forced to attend court, automatic 7 day suspension, you are given 6 points (usually negotiable) and you face a 2 year suspension of your license (depending on offense).

So what this shows the public is that it is better to do drugs and crash then it is to speed and risk crashing/ all that comes with driving (which are problems under any circumstances, not just speeding, but this is the subject at hand.)

For all those who say that those who are charged, are deserving, what are you basing your info on? Stats that say people who go fast are street racers, and thus death will be reduced because these criminals have been heavily fined and will have this stick with them for life?

^^ obviously not to say that those who commit traffic offenses do not deserve punishment, simply to say that we need to re evaluate what types of punishment. When it is easier to get caught with drugs then it is to get caught speeding, we need a reality check.

More people die in snowmobile accidents every year then they do street racing, why don’t they take care of that first,… but it’s not realy all about saving lifes, it’s all about where they can make money and easy and quick.

That’s exactly it. At the end of the day, if it really doesn’t affect their wallets in a positive way, they don’t care.


They tell you that cigarettes are so bad for you but why do they still sell it?

Instead of spending money to help save lives third world countries, they spend money and kill people in the middle east.

Emissions tests. Yeah if they really cared about the environment, why is it you can have a “conditional pass” if you spend somewhere around $400 - $500.

Like I said, John nailed it. It’s all about money.

They sell cigarettes because they make mad tax money on them, like the others said, it’s all about the money, fuck saving lives.