GM on strike as of 11am


Tell me why people with phds make 50K a year doing extensive bio research to cure cancer.


because they’re grossly underpaid and/or went into the wrong field? the day i got my phd to make less money than i could have made at an entry level job with a bs in accounting or finance, a lot easier than science, is the day i’d have to kick my own ass

Don’t know if it’s really true or not but taken from LS1TECH.

…cripes if finding a job now is hard…

the strike will last a few hours and they will be done. this happens evrytime the contract is up. besides if GM goes under my whole family is screwed because god knows the toyota and ford dealerships aren’t big enough to support all of us.

you guys do realize Chevy is ahead of ford and toyota trucks by 90,000 units this year and the cars aren’t far behind toyota, ford is just plain getting there ass kicked by GM


besides if GM goes under my whole family is screwed because god knows the toyota and ford dealerships aren’t big enough to support all of us.


just find a job somewhere else


just find a job somewhere else




just find a job somewhere else


Yeah, just make a post

WTFind: Job

Skills: none
Deisired salary range: 80-100K

You guys realize he doesn’t work at the GM plant?

^ I have no idea where he works,

buy american to support the union.


You guys realize he doesn’t work at the GM plant?


regardless, my joke still applies to all the UAW workers.


buy american to support the union.


Socialism at its finest. :tdown:

GM wants the Union to take over health care. Which from my understanding is fine to them. But the Union wants guaranteed work here in America. GM apparently is unwilling to promise anything right now. The Union can’t afford to pay for health care if GM out sources more jobs and makes the UAW membership smaller. Less people = less money they make to afford it.


^ I have no idea where he works,


me either but his family started basil chevrolet - good thing they do sell toyotas too


GM actually turned a profit in the last quarter of 06 so I’m sure the UAW is using that as a big indicator that GM can afford to give them more.

As anti-union as I am when it comes to county and state government I can at least see a place for it in the private sector. We all know that if GM didn’t have a big union fighting against them every single GM product would be made in China or India. Toyota isn’t building cars here because it wants to help provide American jobs, it’s doing to to get around import tariffs that were putting them at a big disadvantage when it came to pricing.

Of course, when you have an entity as powerful as the UAW that power corrupts and you get union demands that mean GM isn’t a viable entity. Even though GM going bust would be the end of all those jobs for those very union members they don’t care, and they just expect the government to jump in and bail GM out if it comes to that. Things like huge pension plans and health care for life stopped being a part of non-union private sector jobs a long time ago. UAW workers should have to plan for their retirement the same way the rest of us do and until they do that it’s hard to blame these problems on GM corporate.

And enough with the bullshit union line about “it’s all because of CEO salaries”. CEO salaries are such a tiny part of GM’s budget it’s not even worth mentioning. It looks great when you can point to some guy who made 2 million in a year, and it makes the knuckledraggers rally behind their UAW rep, but it’s not the problem.


Just my $0.02…

  1. there’s no tarriff on autos made abroad, just trucks. IIRC, the closest we came was in '95, when we were going to tax @ 100% all luxury imports from Japan, but that was resolved.

  2. Toyota’s already bitching about the cost of manufacturing in the US as well… though that’s not as well publicized. I’m sure that if the UAW is successful in unionizing one of their shops, they’d be outta here in an instant.


GM wants the Union to take over health care. Which from my understanding is fine to them. But the Union wants guaranteed work here in America. GM apparently is unwilling to promise anything right now. The Union can’t afford to pay for health care if GM out sources more jobs and makes the UAW membership smaller. Less people = less money they make to afford it.


Except that the UAW has already mandated that GM pay the cost to set up the fund up front. After that, it’s gravy… fewer members = less liabilities for the fund.


Yeah, just make a post

WTFind: Job

Skills: none
Deisired salary range: 80-100K


forgot: willing to work 70-80hrs/week.

my dad works at the plant. he’s an electrician on the ecotech line.
we was working 84hrs a week.
now just before the strike, it was ~45.

“working” is loosely thrown around at any GM plant. :wink: They are “at” work for alot of hours…but dont do 40-80hrs worth of work. Thats a fact. ESP. the skilled trade.


Socialism at its finest. :tdown:


i do not understand your thought pattern on this.

unions have had thier place, now it is time to move on.

Get it? Spending your money based on who needs your money the most, rather than who has the most to offer to you, is pure socialism. Socialism is a nice idea, but it doesn’t work. It just enables those who produce an inferior product to continue to do so until ultimately natural selection weeds them out. Hence the current state of the American auto industry.