Go-karting league?

GPK FTW!! for there leauges they put the karts on level 1! the fastest!

im prety sure that its in mph so you were going 32 mph which is pretty fast…the 16.7 is a glitch in the computer system, the best lap time on track was somewere in the low 21’s…

how fast is level 1?

^^pretty damn fast, you go over 50 km/h and the track is small so it seems like you’re flying…

at GPK everyone was averaging around 35kmph … for the race league

ll not even

speed 1 isnt even fast. its alittle more tail happy. wich is fun

can they go faster then level one? like some kind of unlimited mode…?

I work at GPK. Good shit.

Rabbit works there too. He says it’s iight.

Race leagues is awesome too. Last day for winter race league registration is TOMMOROW. Come around 7:00pm.

The karts are fast. We tune them once a month so they are all within 3 tenths of a second of eachother for good competetive racing. Speed 2 is more fun in my opinion, most people can’t drive too well on speed 2 and don’t end up doing much better than on speed 2. But yes, race leagues does race on speed 1.

No you fucking retard.

Why would speed 2 be more fun than speed 1 if that is the faster speed?

hrmmm maybe I’ll come by tomorrow.

How much is registration?

fuck you, it was a legitimate question.

speed 1 is more skill then fun. speed 2 you can kinda bomb into turns, speed 1 takes alot more skill.

we should make a gpk speed trial. other then osad and rabbit exempt(cause they work there).
Best lap times anyone?
i think mine was a 22.99 , top ave speed 33.6mph.

track length: 1148.3ft
best laptime that day was 21.802…damn i feel slow, i would like to know tho if this lap time was done on speed 2 or 1.

thanks osad! :slight_smile:

Question for osad…
if i come with a bunch of friends, will we be able to use speed one or is that restricted to league only? cuz im not sure the speed it was on when i went on friday?

Lol chris me and brain beat that time the same night…than the champs brian, osad and me…ownedddddddd


No, if you come I will not put you on speed 1. I only do it for people I like, and if they can handle it, AND if it’s not busy. And it is TECHNICALLY restricted to the league drivers.

Chris and Martino, I hate to break it to you, but the only reason you guys broke 23.00 is because he set us on speed 1 for a few laps.

My best time so far (and I suck lol) is holding 23.2 for 16 laps. On speed 1 anybody can break 23.00. It’s easy because you make that time up on the freakin straight aways.

And yes that time of 21.8 was done on speed 1. None of the karts can break 22.00 on speed 2, no matter what driver it is.

my best time was 22.034 at GPK

Lol. I’d love to see you do that again. Please come tonight and show me :slight_smile:

I’ll be there from 7pm onwards. Not working, just taking pics or something.