good clutches? single vs twin and triple disc clutches

is the general $500 range single disc clutch just as good as a good $1500 range twin disc?

obviously not but do i really wanna spend 3 times the money for it?

what kind of motor do you have?

What numbers are your motor running?

What are your horsepower goals?

Watch this video and u will understand the difference between why u have discs etc. Its a very educational video and i highly recommend u do watch it.

Get triple plate. I don’t know what it does but it’s cool and you can tell people that you have a triple plate clutch.

lol mark…i think we should give you and award for the most useless posts ever…

good video rob. learn something new everyday

that was an AWESOME video

i learned a lot, and i’m being serious

time to go beat the crap out of my 4 puck carbon ceramic clutch now
more burnout attempts here i come :stuck_out_tongue:


As shown in the video…

4 puck sprung kevlar :stuck_out_tongue: haha

where did you pick your clutch up ?

And mine…

Installed it in May of 05 and its still grabbing just as hard today…

Euro Drive FTW

what’s the general opinion on ACT 6 puck sprung hub clutches??

good? bad?

shooting for around 300 whp from rb25det

I <3 this clutch.

The individual in that video is not very intelegent.

Go crazy and buy a Titanium flywheel.

Too bad Titanium is heavier than aluminum that lightweight flywheels are made out of.

But titanium’s specific strength is higher, so you need less of it to do the job. It will weigh less in the end.

But in the end, unless you buy a Tilton clutch, a flywheel must be a certian thickness to work with the clutch.

Mr. Solarian third boss of the Eye in Tempest Keep.

You can remove material from something without affecting the thickness at the contact point. I can’t think of where you would remove material from a flywheel at the moment, but I’m sure there’s a way.

if u learned how to think about stuff u would understand why he asks questions like that. He is basically given a set of questions that he is suppose to ask and incorporate into the interview. Hes just an outside source looking in. You must not be very intelligent either as u cant even spell intelligence.

rob stop using big words please
see cat jump
im about there right now

Springs are for girls. Four puck Kevlar

Unless the prices have dropped at Eurodrive because of the value of the Canadian dollar they arn’t worth it anymore. But this clutch does feel perfect.