Good roads for 'street tuning'???

Post up good stretches of roads for this. Needs to be straight, no driveways or side streets, and as flat as possible, and nowhere police can hide. Preferrably something with open fields on both sides of the road.

I have a spot now, but I have to go past 3 houses at 100+ in a 40. I’m sure they will call the police at some point. I have been debating just knocking on their doors to ask if they mind me blowing by a few times here and there as long as I give them notice…

Whereever you choose, be armed with a V1 when you do it

ive done a data logging session on schoharie turnpike off if i88, may be kind of a drive for you but its way out in hick town with lots of flatness

I90 lolz

End of 890, just make sure there’s no cop in the turnaround spot. Tuned many cars there.

makey mile , in round lake . in front of mackey auto and neets autobody yo . worse comes to worse just hide out at my garage lol

thanks for the info aswell…

Ive made several top speed runs in various vehicles on it

Including the Plaza Linen vehicle?

yeah but top speed is set at 70 on the diesel truck and the gas truck only does 80 so its not like theyre fast.



what? Theres also been alot of racing there.

Rt 9j

Route 9. Yes, that Route 9. It has been certified for 200mph bombs on te regular. Apparently works best during the day. Around 5:30-6pm.

works all day. The trouble comes with its at night. They like to hide in the mackeys/quick response parking lots.

OP, worse comes to worse, my grandmother lives right off this stretch…literally 100 yards off the road. We have pole barns and garages if you need to hide out for a few…you will be fine tho…they deff. wont be doing radar there this time of year anyways with most the cars that speed there are put away.

Jim as Nick said the end of 890…

Take a pass down make sure theres no one comming behind us or hiding in the uturns, turn around and then gun it.

Hell I’ll see if I can get ahold of someone I know to sit around there and clock you for the hell of it :ninja Then you won’t have to worry about anything :lol

Maybe, but a friend of yours got pounded in his ass with a ‘more than double’ ticket right there.

Soooo this is probably ok when theres snow out still. That’s about it.

Central ave, grow a set, do it