Got hit by a B!tch while texting on her phone.*pics*

No doubt, what I was trying to say is, if it did happen to me I would be mad as hell if someone pulled some “I want a hundred and fify thousand, but I will settle out of court right now for a forty and a book of stamps”.

Not gonna lie, my back has hurt in the past,but just getting older is what I tagged it as but that was the past and its been fine until the sideways whiplash.

I was doing a little research online and it said a herniated disk can show up thirty days later well after the accident happened.

I will go tomorrow and get it checked out.

Not looking for money, just dont want any problems down the line.

i will get some pics of the truck tomorrow.

Well then do me a favor - when you find out whats wrong a realize you have a right to collect some money (say even $20gs), do it and hook a brother up because I could sure use some.

Shawn do what you have to for YOUR own sake. Fuck being niggerish. Take care of yourself. It was completely her fault and she needs to own up to it and take the consequences, her being 16 with her license for 2 weeks or not.
She should thank god she got a nice guy like you that isn’t out to fuck her and her family for all they’re worth.

Really fucked up situation. Hope all goes well. If you need any parts let me know :wink:


THAT is fucking niggerish.

Shawn you have 24 hours to get checked out …you should do it … also the car is not that bad … yea it needs to get pulled out about a inch i dont see then trashing it just b/c the air bags are still good and such … but even if they did not wright tickets… on each the side of the report there will be #'s down it … this will tell you who is at fault and it will be all the insurance company needs…

if you need help on the NF or insurance side shoot me a pm


sorry to hear about the accident, that’s real shitty.

full size trailer > *

sry to hear man, that sucks

That sucks, Good luck.

PS: I live by you.

man, you’d have to be really distracted to do that…

Hurt in a car? Call William Mattar!

Seriously though I would if your back is hurting.

want to sell the car??.. i need a car to hit shit and flip over (if they total it)

Bullshit. I got ticketed before for “reckless driving and failure to yield” when I was turning left into a driveway and a guy tboned me. It was like 11pm and he didnt have his lights on, I had witnesses stating this, and I still got the tickets because the guy was a buddy of the trooper that showed up.

Celino and barnes anyone? lol. Call your lawyer yo.

so atleast you know she probably wont be driving for a while. if she does it will be a parents/friends car. if she had that big of a pos, she probably didnt have insurance or the money to fix the pos. meaning now she has no car to drive with! hopefully she broke her phone in the process!

hope all goes good for you and the pain does not stay

the jeep?

jeep made it out ok … bunch of dents and tailgate will not open… but if i have 2 cars/suv’s at home its better to race… and if i pick this car up ill put a t3 on it and just race around the yard till it blows

OMG! holy shit dude! what luck you have. lol

go get yourself checked out and just make sure you don’t have to pay a dime!

i can’t believe this!

GO TO THE HOSPITAL. When I was in my accident, I went twice just for a second opinion. It’s been over a year, and I still have back pain. I should have sued the piss out of the dude who hit me, but I was told I didn’t have a good personal injury case. Ugh…

Yeah, I feel shitty today. My back hurts pretty good, and it is making me feel like I have to shit my pants. Off to get x-rays.

that BS i’ve gotten a tix for running the red for an accident no cops around of course it was in buffalo, so the cops there are just licking their chops.

Glad you are mostly OK, but get checked out NOW. Then get a lawyer, cause you will be getting some extra cash from her insurance. Back injuries are with you for life, and you never know how it might play out later down the road. A little nest egg incase something happens to you is not a bad idea.