Got Pulled In Braddock Hills

Anyone know any of the cops in braddock hills or happen to know Ross Ciopa Personally? I already know he is a cool guy(from what i hear) and i just wanted some more opinions…don’t need any points on my license to make anything worse(insurance for example)

what u get… ?

u should of told him if he has any computer trouble,you’re the man (boy) to fix them & he would of left u go!:smiley:


:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

should have told him you have 2 hardware firewalls, he couldn’t give a ticket to a interweb guru like that.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

i knew this was goona turn into a flame fest.

:rofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

to the one person who asked an intelligent question i got pulled for a 50.29 in a 25…cop was cool though he said appeal…they’ll make sure they mention that i didn’t give them a hard time and Ciopa should bump it down to maybe 5mph over and make me just pay the fines with no points…hope thats what happens.

well your fucked if it doesnt drop it cause 23mph over is a suspenion and 5 points and your 25 over

no sir 31 over is a suspenion ,i got busted in a 55 going 84 in the SUB with a trailer with the PINKS 240 on it!

Didn’t happen on the Rankin Bridge did it? I got raked over on Tuesday morning on the way to work, got a 58 in a 25, but the dude was cool as hell. He gave me a failure to obey a traffic control device and the fine is only 106 bucks. I’m just paying and saying thank you.

I know all the Braddock Hills cops…well most of them. I know ciopa and if was going up the hill near giant eagle he is pretty lenient on that trap. PM me the officers name and i’ll see if I can hook it up.

your car goes 50 mph?

huh i stand corrected then I was under the impression it was 23:doh:

lmfao…your gay…

yea you have to watch…when i used to work for Best Lie i would watch for them on the way home…it’s easy to spot them…IF your looking and 9 times out of 10 nobody is really paying much attention unless you see everyone choking and putting on their brakes near the end

hrrrmmm weird when I used to do the old collection job when I worked over in duquesne and mckees port I used to drive pretty fast over that bridge. Alot.

they sit there at the most random times…but they do catch people…i’ve blown across that bridge in a bunch of times and i’ve seen the cops so i slowed down just a little so they wouldn’t look up from their donut and pull me