Jefferson hills cops?

anyone know any cops down that way. I got a ticket on 51 tonight when I thought I was in a 50-55 and ended up being a 40…anyway it sucks and I got owned…big money and probably points

How fast were you going?

he said he followed me 1.1 miles at 60mph but didn’t get me on a gun or vascar or anything…I honestly thought it was a 55 cause I knew that was a “target enforcment area”

I can’t believe that is a 40mph zone

Forget about it. Jefferson Hills cops are assholes. Also, I’m not sure how it works, but if you have to go the magistrate for Jeff. Hills to fight it, you’ll get Mary Grace Boyle. If your under 30 and driving too fast, shell throw the fuckin book at you. Might as well not waste your time and jusy pay, IMO.

never go down without a fight. Cop could always not show, or you could at least get a lesser sentence.

yea fight it, never say that you were speeding, or atleast admit to the 60mph charge and see if you can get off with no points and a fine at the most.

Also i belive 20 over the speed limit is reckless driving :scared:

I had the same problem only i got clocked at 66, i had the lady cop…umm officer clemins…i fought it and mary grace bitched me out for like an hour and told me that i am wasten the officers time and shit, well anyway i appealed it to pittsburgh court of commen pleas and got it knocked down to 10 over

25 over or double the speed limit. So if its 15 and your doing 30 its considered…

might as well fight it chances are well mest deff the cop is gonna show
but if its your first time in front of her he will probley drop the points my brother went to her for doing a endo on his bike not to long agao and got the points droped

Yeah, exactly… If you go to fight it with Grace Boyle, she will not knock it down, doesn’t matter if the cop is there or not… So if you really want to appeal it, be prepared to go to the court of common pleas. She’s just an unrelenting bitch and its just a complete waste of time to fight a ticket as a younger adult or kid with her unless you have the time and money to fight it in a higher up court.

Busted in W. Mifflin or busted in Jeff Hills? If it was in W. Mifflin, shoulda went to see Olasz.

Either way, if Grace Boyle took the points away he should consider himself very very very very fortunte that she let him slide, or shes for some reason softening up… I’d be more willing to be its probably the first thing, not the latter.

Shes an f’n bitch

he’s right… MGBoyle sucks.

olasz ROCKS! he’s understanding and nice… humorous and let me the F off (still got the fine, no points, reduced fine)… so he’s alright… speed away in w miff.

if the cop doesn’t show she has to drop it…that is the law period…if I do fight it and he doesn’t show and she still fines me a I will file a lawsuit against the district simple as that…should I fight it or not? that is the question

that’s not the law… she’s allowed to file a continuence… the law sucks.

well from what i was to understand they have to follow you for 1 mile at that speed, which he did, and his speedo had to have been certified within the last 30 days. Don’t kno wif thats true or not.

She’ll continue it then until the cop shows… I fight every ticket I’ve ever gotten, ever, but I wouldn’t waste my time with her… But the choice is yours.

I’ve won 2 tickets in front of boyle

they only have to follow you for 3/10 of a mile thats what mgb told me

about the cop not showin up. ask Hycomp he would know

is he a cop? why wouldn’t i know? or Bravada… TRUST ME… the magistrate can issue a continuence if the cop doesn’t show.