Got pulled over by Supercop.

WOW wtf…thats retarded…

I also go to school in Potsdam (clarkson). I got a ticket last year because I had a radar up. I was going south on 30 just after Tupper Lake. I had just passed a car that was doing like 50. I was going about 72-75 as I passed…I was just letting the speed ease off rather than hit the brakes. Immediately after I pass i come around the corner and theres one of NYS’s finest talking to a truck driver :Idiots…no radar on, no laser in hand. I pass him and I see him in my rear view running around the truck to his car.

So I go around a corner and about 1/4 mile up theres another statey with somone pulled over but this fucktard is standing in the middle of my lane. Yelling as I approach.:retardclap

The original cop comes up and starts giving me shit about my radar. Then proceeds to slap with a 86 and 55. Complete horshit, I never was going that fast and it just so happens that 31 over is 8 pts. If he had said maybe 85 then it would have been 6 pts.:shifty

I throw garbage(especially dipspit bottles) in the Tupper Lake trooper baracks parking lot EVERY time i go past :ninja Still pisses me off


all this thread makes me think is this:

yeah, that sucks. They vary per town and shit too, mine was only $50.00 in Cobleskill :lmao

you should see the pile of tickets I got just going to LVD the saturday before the Cars4Cancer show, it was my bad but damn.

hey DFD, thats the ideal time to lawyer up

that ticket is SUCH incredible bullshit, WOW, just WOW

Thats complete bullshit, it is completely illegal for any police department to set a mandatory requirement of tickets issued/points given, not to say this does not happen as I know a few cops who have told me certain police departments who shall remain nameless asks you to issue a certain ammount of tickets etcc… mainly bullshit politics and make the department look good like theyre do their job, but it its illegal to have a “required” ammount of tickets on the officers end and have their job security based on it

Cops are dirty in '09

i know, right? it’s like a comission system, they more tickets they cut he more they get paid or some shit

has nothing to do with tickets per say. they rather you get a warrant arrest than anything. it’s to weed out the “rogue cops” that just sit there for the paycheck compared to the pro-active ones that are looking to make a difference in the community.

it is also used for promotional status. the more points you get, the easier it would be to get a detective or sgt. spot with a higher arrest record compared to one who doesnt.

I don’t think there is anything stating that it’s “100% illegal” for police departments to set a goal for their officers to meet.

Difference between a goal and a requirement…

In other words when a cop has say a “review” they cannot base pay grade/job security etc based on points/tickets issued.

Needless to say at the same time if a cop obviously isnt handing out anything hes not doing his job and his job security may be in quiestion but they cannot base that on a requirement for the ammount of citations issued

Ok, who says the “law” that is stating the “requirement” isn’t stated as a “goal”…They can twist things however they want and get away with it.

Which if you read carefull at my first post I said

not to say this does not happen

Officialy it doesnt work like that and its illegal

Unofficialy, it happens all the time and departments do wtf they want

that better?

i dont see how it’s illegal considering most jobs out there are based on one’s performance and if they dont meet the required goals, they get fired…

It would be illegal because it is a conflict of interest.

do u guys think the number of tickets given out and how picky they are about stopping you or not depends on the financial situation of the state/town/county/city/village/police station in question?

Quotas are illegal but you obviously have to maintain a certain record to advance.