Got pulled over by Supercop.

One of the few places I travel to semi-frequently where I have never been pulled over, awesome.

you must not be trying hard enough… :poke

yeah really…pull out of the firehouse at about 2:15 am sunday…guaranteed you will get pulled over…

A friend of the family lives off Rt 30 in Middleburgh, so normally I’m only going to Cobleskill from their house for food. It’s always dark when I’m up there, and I tend not to speed too much making these trips. The deer up there make me paranoid.

The beautiful booming metropolis of middleburgh? haha (I used to live there).

Im a coby native…

Oh, yeah. :rofl
Ever since I was little I’ve been afraid to walk out to the car when it’s dark out because the drive way is lined with these huge bushes, and beyond that is just fields and the woods beyond that.
So for the past 22 years, I’ve been scared of something in those bushes. A few weeks ago we were out to visit, and after all this time something FINALLY jumped out of those bushes and confirmed my fears.
A damn baby fox. I’m never living this down.

i dont know how people could live in cobleskill, middleburgh or schoharie county in general.

i unfortunatly, went to suny coby for 3 semester…place was so depressing and smelt like cow shit all the time…

[quote=Hang Your Cross;430289]i dont know how people could live in cobleskill, middleburgh or schoharie county in general.

i unfortunatly, went to suny coby for 3 semester…place was so depressing and smelt like cow shit all the time…[/quote]


When my mom’s best friend moved there, she wanted to pack us up and move out there too. I cried and screamed and protested and begged like someone had just told me they were going to put me in the iron maiden.

Can you believe I left cobleskill and then came back? haha.

I went to school in downstate NY for 1 semester, hated it, and then moved back… Of course I have to drive to albany everyday for work, there is no where to work out there…

There are actually some nice areas in Schoharie County. I mean there is nothing to do but than again, you can do pretty much anything you want.

Shush bumpkin.


BTW, classy responses Cossey. Just enough to let even the most failvis know they are being retarded.

ugh i spent 2 years in college out there and live in Albany, there’s a walmart, but no real jobs out there… I-88 SUCKS in the winter

Yes Coby does suck as far as theres nothing to do. But I would rather raise my daughter out here, than in Albany. Also I live in basically an old fart complex, so its nice and quiet. Unlike my dad’s in Albany, every car that drives by is booming, or being a ricer, no matter what time of the night.

One of my team members is from Cobelskill. Long drive to Glenmont.

Cossey; Spoke to the wife. She said to fight it. Contact the person prosecuting the case: ie call the court office.

I88 does suck in the winter… I drive that stupid road EVERY day…

yeah while i was in college i’d drive it on weekends to come home to work… in latham none the less… it sucked…

Pretty much everyone I know from Middleburgh or that general area, which is prolly a dozen or so people in total have hit a deer at least once in their live in that area.

I-88 isnt that bad…i used to drive that home as well. that or 145.