Got through my first week of training...

For my new job… I was hired at National City as a teller in Freeport. I have to do 2 weeks training in Pittsburgh at the Allegheny Center. I have to be there at 8am every day and usually there till about 4. The good thing its that it’s paid plus I get reimbersed for parking and milage too. Just thought I’d share with you guys :hsdance:

good luck

good now since I have a national city account can you make a bank error in my favor by about oh say 500 grand. Just do it during traing and everyone wins especially me.

that like about 2000 feet from where i am right now. go eat at oscar’s next to the shoe repair shop in allegheny center. you won’t be disapointed.

good luck, thats a hard job. accuracy is key

not until after I get my bank error in my favor :spank:

hehe yea people were talking about that being a good place to eat for lunch.

and Mike, sorry I don’t do any real transactions during training lol. They just gave me a HUGE binder that I have to read and go through and complete lessons on the computer and stuff.

thats fine, make it yoru first and only big mistake off training.

My mom is a teller at National City and comes home every day with the dreaded “bank stories.” It can be a stressful job.

congrats and good luck with it!!!

u need to start using your degree

i was just gonna say i though you went to collage

if it puts her in a management position in the company then ti’s worth it.

everyones moving up in the world and sharing it with PS :tear:

good luck, and degrees are over rated. i got 2, and i turn wrenches to pay my bills…



Not saying they are worthless, they just don’t guarentee anthing anymore. Half my graduating class that went for degrees and can’t find shit. I know my one firend lisa went to school for 5 years got out couldn;t find a job until this past year. She was working two retail clothing jobs in the mall to make ends meet.

Another guy 4 years at Penn state for buisness and is working in a small ass movie theater.

Its fucking sad and sort of makes me glad to a point I didn;t waste 4 years just to come out in debt struggling to start paying back loans.

(just my perspective)

yeah… on the other end i’ve been working for 5 years… make plenty of $ for my age… so fuck’em i guess???

A college degree is only good if it is in a field that is in high demand. I did not go to college but I have a job that should have a degree attached to it. I make plenty of money and didn’t have all the loans attached. BUT… It took me longer to get there than if I had a college degree. One more point… a college degree doesn’t mean shit if you are not willing to work hard. Good jobs boil down to the same thing… work ethic, dedication, common sense…

fdegrees, as long as you can use the internet and windows your set 4 life! :ugh: