Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

I will ask my buddies what they think of the physics.

articzap: bee fuckin dizzle!

BeeDizzle: sup

articzap: nm u
articzap: i got a question for u
articzap: how are the physics of gt5 compared to previous versions of the gt series

BeeDizzle: allot more realistic
BeeDizzle: the way the tires push thru drift is allot more relaistic
BeeDizzle: and the ebrake
BeeDizzle: works the way it should too

articzap: how about just tire grip in general
articzap: does the game tend to understeer alot like gt4?

BeeDizzle: well yo ucnat just drift right out of the box
BeeDizzle: yo uhave ot be good at it
BeeDizzle: and the under steer insnt as bad

articzap: im not just talking driftin
articzap: liek normal racing

BeeDizzle: yeha

articzap: a lot of ppl would like to know
articzap: so would u say a big improvement
articzap: or jsut a baby step up

BeeDizzle: yeha big improvement
BeeDizzle: and its only a concept game
BeeDizzle: not even the real game

articzap: yea very true
articzap: thanks bee

Anyone who buys a console racing game looking for realism is dumb.

thanks for the info articzap i cant wait for this to come out. I already got my ps3 for cod4 but i really bought it just for gt5 so, next step is to pick up a new wheel for my ps3.