figured i would share the email i got, coming this April

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never cared much about damage, hitting things will slow you down if you’re shitty, and if you’re good you won;t be hitting anything anyways.
What I really want to see I know they won’t have. I want to be able to tune my fuel curve, and adjust my boost controller, and if it’s too much boost I want the motor to blow. I want the gearbox to fall out of the car if you downshift to second instead of upshifting to 4th.
I’m excited about the game, but at the same time, sad…I know if I want that g25 wheel, for the best racing experience, it’s gonna cost me a fortune.
I gotta be honest - I was always the biggest Gran Turismo fan but I’ve been playing Dirt a lot lately and while its not the perfect game its made me realize what Gran Turismos have lacked, hopefully some will be addressed in GT5.
-ability to go off the track/hit things/damage. Sure if you’re good you wont be doing it much, but it really raises your involvement when you know that if you drift off the road into the woods, your race is over, rather than just bumping off an invisible barrier and continuing along. You also cant just manhandle your way through a pack of cars, you need to really drive.
sounds. GT4 and GT HD have a small library of sounds. Tires slipping and collisions always sounds the same, albeit with different pitches. I want to hear different sounds depending on what surface I’m on, going over painted stripes, tire choices, etc. Sounds echoing off walls, etc.
tire marks, cars getting dirty
races or stages that arent a loop.
These things were always overlooked because of GT’s superior physics - its all about the physics, you dont need that other stuff, blah blah. With earlier video game systems this was a valid argument, but while physics remains the most important part of a driving sim, with the computing power and storage capacity of a PS3 and Blu Ray disc, these other things that add to the realism of the entire experience should be included. Hopefully they will be.
Indeed, if they at least get of that in complete with the library of near useless cars which I loved it should be a fun title that would prod me to the PS3.
I like the large number of different courses as well as car selection of the GT series, forzas tracks were just too repetitious. I just hope they really do improve the physics
1 was awesome, it set the benchmark for all racing games. 2 was the best sequel to a racing game I’ve ever seen. 3 is still one of my favorite all time games but the only thing it had going for it was graphics, 2 was just as good play-wise. 4 was pointless and the menus were fucking horrible. I don’t care how good the graphics are, the game sucked to play. God I hated those menus.
All I know is if they waste anymore time on the graphics and ignore the physics like they did with 4, I won’t buy another GT game ever again. It’s called a racing simulator for a reason.
That’s exactly what I was saying, the physics should get progressively more realistic with each release. So far, all that’s got better is the graphics. I don’t care if you can see individual leaves blowing in the trees. I’m not walking around the track, I’m driving at 150mph. Who the hell has time to notice the expressions on the faces of people in the stands?