--- GRAND THEFT AUTO IV --- Thread!!!

I would get it on xbox just for the DLC that should be available soon.

Listening to what he has to say was interesting. Actually watching the video was pointless. HD quality games being shown on youtube’s horrible resolutions is pointless.

Hell, when game commercials come on a regular def channel on my TV I don’t even bother watching. Gotta catch those on an HD channel to see what the game actually looks like.

+1. Sry, the commentary was basically the important part. You can’t actually SEE any difference from that video.

Anyone that has the game wanna comment on the “internet” that you can browse in the game??? I wonder what kind of sites they have lol.

so far the internet is just a couple fake sites and email. Nothing interesting yet. Im more excited to get an airplane.

What about properties and garages? Is it the same as other gta’s? I haven’t heard much about that…

as of right now the curb outside your apartment acts as a garage. You have a safehouse to save and i have not gotten any properties like in the past where it accumulates money. The only cash i have gotten so far is for completing missions. I am already on to the second island so i dont know if they have a money system like the last games.

I believe I read that there are no flyable planes in GTA IV, only helicopters.

The internet thing looks like a quick way to find dates, which to me was a really stupid addition when they put it in San Andreas. Go buy a copy of Leisure Suit Larry if you want to try virtual dating you pathetic fucks.

I really miss having a garage that would do the miracle repair on any car you put in there. I find myself walking out of my apartment and just stealing a car because the beat to hell POS I “saved” is still a POS. -1 for realism.

Lots of buzz on the radio about a serial killer on the loose. I’m wondering if he comes into play later in the game, or might be an easter egg/hidden achievement.

Speaking of the radio, so far it gets a huge :tdown: for it’s lack of more popular music. I’ve heard very few songs I recognize, a huge change from Vice City and San Andreas.

Anyone else find the text messages hard to read? I’ve got a 51" TV and it seems small. You poor bastards playing on a 25" CRT are gonna be screwed.

EDIT: Was just reading that if you save a car in your parking spot then re-load your save it will get the miracle repair. But just saving the game it keeps all it’s damage.

I read text messages fine, i wish u could use your own audio, some of those stations just suck ass, who the fuck wants to listen to latino crap.

Right on the money about text messages. That part sucks the reviewer is not very far into the game either so who knows what is coming yet but im sure someone out there beat it. I really do miss garages though. I hope they are just further in the game. One thing i also dont like is that the radio seems very quiet, i will have to mess around with the audio settings but i haven’t been paying attention to anything on the radio.

BTW Little jacob sucks i cant understand a word out of his fucking jamacian mouth.

hahah yeah they said that in the review, he babbles and i just light one up and now i can totally understand him :slight_smile:

The internet is for getting girlfriends too. I haven’t seen anything else either. It’s used in some missions too (getting an interview set up to get into a building).

yeah i noticed the links and there are places to buy cars if you call the numbers, i didnt bother with any of that yet.

It’s funny that will all the illegal shit I do in the game that most of the time I stop and pay the toll. Just not worth the hassle of losing the cops while you’re on a mission.

Shooting a random person and watching them go headfirst into the steering wheel, causing the horn to blow until you drag their dead body out… no problem.

Running a toll though, I gotta stop and toss in my change. :lol:

And LOL @ Katt Williams in a comedy club for a date. What isn’t in this game?


Really no good music? vice city and san andreas was aweomse sauce for that

i missed out on the lapdance when i went with the cousin, i accidently punched the stripper and she took off, now i need to go back and see.

when do i get new baller clothes

his clothes suck

It’s pretty twisted that they used the rumble effect in the control while you’re getting a lap dance. Basically means I will never buy a used 360 controller now for fear of what some lonely and desperate people have done with it.

haha i was just asking rob about this today, stupid russian clothing

lol…i know… what shitty clothes.

gimme some ballAr shit