grip is gay

You hit the nail right on the head dude! Most guys building drift cars just for status. I understand why some might think grip is gay, but your right when you say that “doing donuts in a parking lot” isn’t drifting.

What’s gay is guys trying to drift on public streets when they don’t have the balls to drift at a local event. Saying grip is gay is just plain ignorant cause you can put down good lap times at a lapping day, don’t diss grip!

I think drag racing is gay! But that’s only when your watching local cars doing 13’s, 14’s & 15 second quarter mile times. When you go a domestic NHRA event and you see 'Top Fuelers" doing 4 sec quarter miles at over 300mph, then you say “Holy Fuck”, that’s insane!

Here is my list of gay!

  • FF drifting
  • drag racing
  • drifting on public roads (with no regard for other traffic)
  • building a drift car with a bunch of JDM show pieces and never entering a local drift event!!!