gun question

I myself do not own a gun or know a lot about them. I was wondering what would be a good gun for a female. My sister lives in a nice condo in South Oakland but lately its like the wild west. I’m gonna try to talk her into gettin one because there have been robberies and gang violence recently. What are the steps needed to get a permit and conceled weapons licence?

I think Mike said it was really easy. Just go down someplace downtown, fill out a form and you get it right there… :dunno: He’ll probably post it for ya.

gotta rock the glock in the souf oklin’

ok the above post was not helpful. personally for personal protecton a nice glock 26 would work. if you wanna get fancy, talk to 1320 about his keltec 9 with a 32 round clip.

gun permits are easy to get. as long as you have a clean criminal record.

lil hard to conceal but really effective

i was reading articles in the paper about it and some of the names are formilar, kids i heard of when i was growing up. There is like a ridiculous amount of shootings this month in pittsburgh.

That was an Intra-tec Model AB-10. Which is basically a polymer version on the old school Intra-Tec 9, And i wouldnt recommend one to anyone. They are inaccurate as fuck and like to jam.

For a first time shooting/owning female, i would recommend some sort of .25 cal, 32. cal, or maybe a .380

If you wanna get her something indimidating, i have a hi-point .45 auto for sale. :smiley: $100 and its hers. Thing looks like a monster.

go to the courthouse downtown… go from grant through the courtyard and enter at that door… stand there and they call in your ssn and see if you clear… if so, they print the permit that day.

good gun for your sis would be a .38 snub nose or something. hell a .22 is going to do some damage…

might be interested… pm’ing

Yep hubby cleared in about 2 minutes for his concealed permit. One thing tho fshowcars, snub nose will kick a lot more than something w/ a little weight in the barrel. As a girl, and one who can shoot a bunch of difft guns pretty well, for a first time gun owner, and for a girl, I’d recommend a wheel gun at first (that’s a revolver for you guys who don’t speak southern talk lol) maybe w/ a 4 inch barrell? My first gun was a S&W .357 w/ 4 inch barrel and I loved it. No chance of it jamming up in an emergency, easy to use, easy to clean. Just my two cents…

i just thought of something else, i keep one of the vehicals there and i’m often in a dark alley at night puttin away a car. It would probably be a good idea to get one for myself. do you get a concealed weapons permit the same way?

Exactly where fshowcars said to go…Not a bad idea really if you are going down there often!

i carry a small .22 in my car at all times… and sometimes carry otherwise.

jinxxy… if she complains about the kick and gets a full barrel, she’ll complain it doesn’t fit in her purse!!! :slight_smile:

i agree though… but a .38 doesn’t kick that hard :slight_smile:

and cutty, i’m looking at the courthouse… like i said, take the underpass from grant into the autrium or whatevre the fuck they call a courtyard these days and then go to the door on the left!

thanks man.

:bigok: now go :shoot: shit!

Yeah I guess you are right about the purse thing!

If you want a BAD ASS gun check this out, hubby picked one of these up at the gun show last year (pretty penny but it’s MEAN) he got the tactical model…AND a laser sight too… :eek4:

Fabrique National Five Seven

The SS190 ammunition looks like scaled down 5.56mm NATO round and boosts the 2.02 gramm (31 grains) pointed steel and alluminium core bullet to the muzzle velocity of 650 meters per second (ca. 2130 fps) from the pistol barrel.

The ammo will go thru 48 layers of kevlar.


h&k usp

-Where to get carry permit Allegeny County Court house. Make sure you have a driver’s licence or photo identification and a STATE FORM that matches. IE if your drive’s lices has you at xxx red street, you must take your vehicle registration and it better say xxx red street.

My licence and registration were for two different addresses due to having my registartion under my dad’s address since I was living at the fire station when I bought my car and my driver’s licens had my apartment address. I went to the Messenger service and had my registation changed that day and went back down.

  • Good gun for a woman to carry. somthing like a lady smith…If you get somthing like mine she may have a hard time cocking it because of the force that is on the slide. That is not a sexist comment, its the truth. Bigger caliber gunshave a higher tension on the slide due to the force of the charge coming out of the shell that cuases it to activate the sliding mechinism…

oh shit, that’s nice too…guess doug will have to check this out too… :naughty: We like firearms! :burnout:

always wanted to get a new USP… never wanted to drop 1200 bucks