H22 tranny removal

I have my engine out of the car and am going to put a new tranny on but i cant get the one that on there off. All the bolts are out but the thing will not budge. I tried hammering at the housing and still nothing happens. Any suggestions?

There are little nipples that are on the engine block that go into the tranny housing about 1/4". You need to stick a prybar into the “timing” hole and pry it apart. Also make sure that the starter is off and that ALL of the bolts are out GL:tup:

^ word. There are alignment pins that it has to fall off of.

prybar is your friend. pull it off dont knock it off

i didnt take the starter off, im gonna go do that and try the prybar. I was going to try that earlier but didnt want to damage anything by sticking something in there.

Got it off, thanks