God f*cking damn it. So it seems the reason my tranny ain’t coming out
is because there is one more bolt left, at the very top, very middle.
I jacked up the tranny so that the motor tilts forward a little and I can just
see the bolt head from the passenger side. There are a couple of black
rubber hoses in front of it so it makes it just that much more difficult to
stick a socket on top.
I tried from all corners (passenger top, passenger bottom, driver top,
driver bottom) and the only easiest access is the passenger top but it
looks next to impossible to even get the socket on top of, and I have a
several extensions linked along with a swivel socket on the end.
I believe the best way to get at it is with a wrench, can’t really remember how I did it exactly but I know it wasn’t much of an issue. I think what I did was leave the easily accessible bolts in, jack up the tranny, take out the top bolt with a wrench and then unbolt the easily accessible bolts last. A stubby wrench might be in order but I don’t think I needed one, don’t see the big issue really.
I knew it! Pulling on that f**ker, I knew there had to be anouther bolt.
I took my head off before I dropped the tranny so it was easy to get to. But, you can try taking the valve cover and the vacuum hose bracket off to get more clearance.
Heh, sorry for putting you through all that trouble Pete.
It was just a bitch to see. It took me a while to see if there was really
a bolt there or I was just seeing things.
Nave: regardless of whether the other bolts are out or not, how the heck
am I supposed to access it? I don’t have a super long wrench (just the
avg. sized ones) and I built like a 2ft extension out of my extensions and
still no dice.
There is just too many hoses and all that shit behind the valve cover.
HA! I knew that was the one you did’nt get. Sorry man this is’nt a “I told ya so”.
Anyway that’s how Marc and I got the last bolt lose. We had a long 14mm wrench from Crappy and used another box wrench to get it lose. Just be carefull man. Marc slipped once but it was ok. Close though.
Hearing that bolt crack lose was a beautifull sound let me tell you.
That wrench trick should to the job, I use it all the time, maks up the wrench after a few times actually. (not snap-on though)… If you still can’t get it out then you might want to consider just pulling the engine, seriously. It will be a WHOLE lot easier to put back together, you will be able to get at everything and it will likely be quicker. If you are good and have no issues dropping the tranny only is quicker, but if you have not done it before going back in is a pain, you are still on the easy part. The engine itself is just about out really, two more bolts on the mounts, fuel lines, exhaust, cables and a wiring harness. You should really consider it since it is not going well already and it is your first tranny. (yeah, that does sound bad :? )
why not tilt the engine back instead… use a flex socket with an extension… then you can also use a pry bar this way with no problems… comes off like magic. Just remember to disconnect your exhaust from the hangers because it’ll keep the engine tilted forward.
besides, you need to tilt it back anyway to remove the tranny…
Thanks for the tips guys. Will try and see what I can do tonight.
Pavel, I did try and tilt the motor back and try it from underneath but it’s
just not possible. Looks like the only way is to do it little by little from the
top passenger side.
Gonna try and hack at it alone next few days. I hope to get it out before New Years.
Wait, so which is it? Passenger or Driver? I think a second hand is needed
to hold the wrench from slipping off the bolt, but I’ll see what I can do
going solo.
Use a breaker bar with a 14mm and crank her loose, on the automatic I went from the passenger side. After that you can use extensions from the passenger side bottom with swivels to remove it…
Does the transmission have to be level in order to be removed? (My automatic’s hanging down atm and I can’t get it off… )