Haha well this is one way to get your name around a company.

i like the sound

Fuckin A. Yet another random person said to me “So I heard you got into a little trouble in Cartersville.”

Now they think that I should have been working under a hazardous work permit.


This could be fun. I’ve got the PX Safety and Health manual sitting right next to my keyboard, with the key areas underlined just in case I need to pwn upper management. As per Praxair Safety and Health Manual section 2.1.4: Electrical Safety, and per the definition of Potentially Hazardous Switching as expressed in the Glossary of the PX Safety and Health Manual, I was in total compliance with the single exception that…


I forgot to put in my ear plugs. :eyebrow:

are u back here yet?

Yep. Designing an upgrade to a control system that was installed when I was in 4th grade. :ham:

Octagon my ass. It’s square!

hah, what building you in?

100S for about another 5 seconds, then I’m going home.

so long as you played it correctly… this should be a real interesting fwe days for you. lol. :tup:

If it weren’t a CLM (career limiting move) I’d send out an email with the subject “RTFM” and excerpts from the S&H Manual to end the speculation about whether or not I was in compliance.

Funny how whether or not I was being safe has even been brought up. God bless Praxair…


Interesting usage of electricity. Haha.


lol, sweet.

dont disturb the toxic waste…

I <3 you electricity…

Jim, you’d blow an EE nut if you saw the power project i’ve been working on… 660Kv transmission lines inside the NYPA hydro generators. It was the first time I saw lightning strike counter.

Sweet jebus. 660,000 volts? I get excited around 480.


Sweet jebus. 660,000 volts? I get excited around 480.


yeah, they are the transmission lines that go from the Lewiston damn across the gorge to Canada. I was within about 16 feet of the pot heads and could see the hairs on my arms moving. I’m probably sterile now. I’ll try sneaking some pics.


I’m probably sterile now.


dont even talk like that, youre scaring me :frowning:

Mind boggling. I wonder what power lines like that are made of?


Mind boggling. I wonder what power lines like that are made of?


chuck norris’ hair :clap:

ok ok ill quit messing up an otherwise cool thread :stuck_out_tongue:

alrighty, i dug up some old photos for ya.

The wires you see running from Canada into the Dam Face are the 660Kv transmission Lines

This is inside the dam face where you can feel the power. According to the lightning strike counters, those lines have been hit by lightning over 100 times.

I have more pictures inside the generator rooms…but don’t think i can get away with posting them.

lol at the second pic. I didn’t know power transmission reached that high of voltage. Amazing that more stuff doesn’t blow up…

that vid of the air break switch that opened and drew a massive arc was 500kv not 10kv. Both of those air break switches were opened under load, but from what ive been told the 500kv one only drew an arc on one phase because the breaker was defective on that phase. And yes, even on 4160v (2400v phase to ground) i would have pulled it closed with a rope too. Its not that often that switchgear blows up but i wouldnt wanna be anywhere near it when it goes. Ive stood under a 230kv transmission line and gotten a flourescent light bulb to glow in my hands so the inductive field around lines like this is LARGE