Haha well this is one way to get your name around a company.

At one point in my trip, two of the older engineers were trying to sort out a control problem that just made no sense. After about an hour they were starting to pull their hair out and concluded:

“It must running on FM.”
“Yep, FM.”

Me - “huh”

OG - “It’s powered by Fucking Magic.”

I can only imagine good things happening from here. There’s nothing better that having your name in every ear of the big guys, just to find out you did shit right and held your ground on proper protocol, AND were qualified over any other engineer there.

Good stuff.

Yeah it was kind of cool to spend 10 minutes on the phone with the project manager, and at the end of it have him thank me for what I did so that the project could keep rolling along. :tup:

oh god… i would get yelled at if i forgot my double hearing protection… i can’t believe how crazy they are about ear defenders…

this is only 7200v

ask and ye shall receive. (hand for scaling factor)


these are 345kV lines, but this particular line is “special” because it’s oil cooled (the hole in the middle). These aren’t the ones that go into canada, these ones are sweeter.

you guys need to stop with cool threads like this…
its bringing back memories of college classes.

it could have turned out differently…
sometimes it does not matter who is correct when 5 monkeys
tell you your are wrong.



more powaa

:spunk: That’s cool. I wouldn’t guessed so many layers. Am I seeing, from the center, hole-copper-steel-aluminum-rubber-copper strands-rubber-steel strands-rubber?

i belive steel is only the outter strands. In the center is Brass, Copper Alloy, Aluminum, Copper, Copper bands, then steel.

fucking http://rubicant5x.com/smiley/monkeyspank.gif josh.

Slightly OT bump, how do you like it there? I saw an opening for an EE in the paper and have been considering a move.

Just get a long stick and flip the switch.

Bump. :slight_smile:

The previous commotion was over a single switch for a 1000hp motor. I wonder how much my managers will pucker over the main feeder to the plant? (4000 volts, 1200 amps, 3 compressor motors totalling 4500hp.)

You autocrossers may notice Mike Potocki in the background making sure I don’t do anything stupid. Blind leading the blind? :rofl:

I’ve never been near that kind of voltage. I was standing next to the arc furnace at Nucor Steel while it was running. Same kind of thing where you can ‘feel’ it. That was relatively low voltage at 800V, but running 30,000 amps.