Haiti Relief

Jeeze. Only on shift could a thread made about helping people in extreme need turn into such a negative thing. We may have many people in need in our own country but the US is still the richest county in the world and it wont survive by only thinking about its own interests, just like any other country.

Chances are if someone were to make a thread about donating to the less fortunate here in our own country that everyone is mentioning here, the same people that posted shit in this thread would go to that thread and post about how those people don’t deserve the help because they put them selves in that situation.

Not really going anywhere with that, just felt like pointing it out.

no i would help

It could not possibly take more than $20k to repair that entire country. That is what we should send. :rofl

Actually I think the US could survive without the help of other countries.

+1000000 :vlad

People are fucking morons. FUCK HAITI.

It’s so funny how alot of the people being negative in this thread are using the homeless, hungry ,etc in this country as an excuse. But in the universal healthcare thread they all seemes to say that they don’t deserve it and that they need to work harder to achieve it. Odd.

thats rough, 75 cents ? wtf??

i agree , btw US is the richest? really? hmmm i didnt thinkit was,even close, like top 5

Funniest thing I’ve heard in a while :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

Yeah, start with paying all the money back? IF you are the first to line up I am right behind you…:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

I am not even going into the Wars we are in…



God damn people.

Either send 10 or dont plain and simple.

Dont bitch about it and give your whole life story

Since HS ive been watching this:

This one is my fav: http://www.usdebtclock.org/

Shows debt per taxpayer which is the important part.

Thats depressing…

Dear US Gov:

I would like 178 E30’s instead of my debt.


Me thinks we need a quick refresher course in how debt works.

That is just insane…

the precious metal inventory is interesting as well.

honestly, i just wanted to make fun of e30s.

Then please carry on.

two completely different things

Pardon me, can you explain how a country in which the gov’t has zero money that isn’t borrowed is the richest nation in the world?

PS: I bet half the people crying about sending 100 million over were totally fine with the bailouts and want the healthcare to go through.