headlight on the 90s

Ok im gona throw this one out there in the hopes someone else has had this happen.
my headlight go up but wont return down. if i crank them down manualy they will will go up and they just stay open… any clues? is there a fuse for the motors? and if not which relays should i be checking?


are you sure that something is wrong mechanically?
because if its just the fact that it wont close…lol… there is a switch to keep your lights up all the time on the left side of the steering wheel above the cruise control switch…
i had no idea what that was until i accidentally pressed it…
ah well…

I had the exact same problem.

After about 4 hrs of tracing wires, I solved it.

It turned out to be a connector in the wiring leading to the headlight. As I pulled the connector apart I checked for voltage on the pins. I read a 12v signal on one of the pins when the lights came down, but nothing when I tried to pop them up.

Then I noticed that the connector has two 12v pins, one to provide power to pop them up, and one to provide power to close them. One of those pins was corroded and broken on my connector, not transfering power. So I just spliced the two wires together outside the connector, and voila.

Moral of the story, check your connectors leading to the headlights.

Its the headlight retrat relay.

I have the FSM on sale this week for $75.00

Look out Wal Mart, 'cause here comes Adam!