Heard J&S had another sucessfull day on the dyno the other day

Being alittle psychotic much about this, mmmkay.

Claim rape and this thread will be EPIC !

I dont even have a name on evom, I was banned about almost 2 years ago, so I could not have gotten you banned. If you’d like to discuss any opinions again I encourage you to stop down the shop and we can talk all day. ( and no im not being a hardass)

i’m telling you man…this is why i got out of the rap game


i skull fucked danl and his mother once…

I fucked your face once, end.

i liked it


Dont pull me into this one man, I had a chat with tony recently about all this… I have no issues with you, I was irritated about the things you just brought up, and now I am okay. Its not that I dont like you, because I do respect what your doing. I just felt as if I got a bad vibe when people were calling me from the race track saying that “people there” representing J&S were calling me shady and a faggot. I am a faggot, at times… But not shady. I help anyone and everyone I can when I can… ask anyone man, only people who dont like me will say otherwise. I do appreciate you offering me to use your dyno during the event you had, but I didnt physically have time.

As for steve coming onto the pittsburgh forum calling me a homo for having a carbon fiber lip, that kind of made me angry. But yet again, it has nothing against you.

oh and he said I have shitty music in my videos… I like it.

This is going to be a long boring and senseless ramble that most likely will make no sense but here goes nothing.Well anyone who knows me knows I am a huge asshole, no doubt, but I am very straight forward and up front about everything. If i have an issue thats something really irrelevant or just non important ill get over it, if i really dont like you, ill tell you to your face i dont like you. What steve said i dont know that it was directed towards you or anyone really, I dont know why he came out and said that, i hadnt even talked to him in a few days, and on behalf of the business I apologize, but again you kinda have to know steve to understand him and what he means when he says something. So to be clear I have no issue with you, I never did sure you can rub people the wrong way, as well as im sure i piss alot of people off without knowing it either, but there is no issue with you as long as everyone is upfront with each other, this through the grapevine bullshit is the problem with it all. As far as evom I never understood them, from before the shop even officially opened those people shut us out. Thats fine, sure i’d love to work on evo’s all day long i love tuning them i love taking them to the track with the customer, but there not the be all end all of the import world and there are a few who have taken a chance recently and for that i appreciate it, and I know theyve been happy with the results. However as important as it is in a business to kiss everyones ass on the forums, I will never do that on evom. For example last week I was at the track with dave after his car was on the dyno for e85, and we walked up to and talked to another local evo owner who was also running that night from evom. Seemed like a nice guy, shook my hand talked to everyone, and then you check the forum today and hes talking shit on the shop. I dont think they realize there sarcastic remarks, and witty anonymous tags are fuel to the fire that they get butt hurt from later on. How much shit got talked when an evo raced 2 liter bikes and won, ya the shaft on the oil pump bent blew the seal out and leaked oil. But the car was fixed up and running in no time, but the board did nothing but talk shit about this and that “car doesnt run” etc etc. Really i find it pathetic, if you have a comment post it, if you have a problem talk to that person, but the best part about it is when all these guys go on youtube, or streetfire and watche videos of evo’s, what kind of videos are you watching? The same shit, evo racing this car, that car this bike, yet there so hypocritical about it on the forum. No my comments arent directed towards everyone i know plenty of people from that forum who are awesome guys, that ive either worked on or tuned there cars, or just stop down the shop and hang out, again I am venting and rambling at this point just trying to set the record straight. I have no problem with eric, danl you blow my mind, evom forum members dont need to be so hostile towards everyone you bring drama upon yourself, however thats probably what you want.Do i think this is going to get me any business from the forum? hell no, but ive never voiced my opinion always sat back and watched them slander the shop for no reason, but in the end ive made it without there business so far, so ill continue going to work everyday and the people that do come to the shop will realize what really goes on and what work we really do, the rest as i stated before, can continue to hide behind there keyboard

I am a faggot, at times

wow really? you shouldnt be one at any times

and for those who type long paragraphs, try using some paragraphs. Makes it easier to read

kids and there fucking imports…

Jay, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is the Internet. Everyone has a 14" cock, bangs supermodels, makes 200k a year, and talks shit on everyone else.

I wouldn’t keep posting. It’s not hurting the business by you defending it, but danl and the ever-intelligent beings on evom will never stop. They see your long replies and start jerking off in their parents basement because they got someone riled up. Feeding the trolls will just keep bringing them back.

Oh, and set up another dyno day. I want to get the car on there before snow hits and the car goes away for the season (if it’s even running by then :rofl: )

You tell people you don’t like them? :rofl:

Why fucking bother? If you’re a business owner you need to have some thicker skin and try not to make enemies… as you can see it can make for headaches and can hurt business.

That being said, why don’t the mods ban this faggot danl? He’s come straight out and said that he’s only using these forums as a method to defame someone’s business in a personal vendetta for getting banned off of some douchebag evo forum. Normally I would relish some drama like this, but this guy is so much of a faggot that it’s not even entertaining.


this guy is so much of a faggot that it’s not even entertaining.

When was the last time Dark Stain said anything like this? It’s bad when even he thinks this thrad sucks.


jay/danl undercard for quik/sammy II?