Heard J&S had another sucessfull day on the dyno the other day

Always need a prelim fight before the big match.

Well the lack of maturity on that forum has made my decision to just never look at it again. “rich dad buys dyno” tag cracks me up. My dad was a mechanic for 20+ years of his life and I grew up poor as shit. Just because I grew up with values and worked hard to get farther in life then half those people on that site, at a much younger age doesn’t mean I should be made a mockery of, especially when I
never said anything bad about them. I would gladly call so many people out right now but In the end there not worth it. Enjoying my weekend away with my girl talk to you fellas on Monday.

Pics of said Girl!:x:

Word… if danl was straight you should bang his girl in front of him, but…

steve would get jealous

x2 on pics of said girl.

this thread may turn around yet!

Thanks for the oxygen channel moment.

You still haven’t explained why the motor went. People are paying you to “tune” so that motors don’t get hurt. It is your job to make power and keep those motors intact for a long period of time. You moved holidays headgasket on your dyno. Your tune took out the ringlands on buchners car. Now this latest engine blew up. How many times was the motor hurt on your del sol?

Again, I submit to you just one of the reasons you are blowing up cars.:

What it really comes down to is that you are coming off more knowledgeable than you are. I understand you have to learn but in the meantime other peoples engines are being hurt and you are not manning up to the failures. I am just here to hopefully educate people on some of this.

OK,OK professionally and or personally you do not like the guys at J&S we get it. My question is why didnt you tune it yourself? Apparently you know a great deal. Is it a shitty thing to happen yes ,but you take what you learned and build it better thats all. Your point HAS been made and I respect your opinion. I hope you guys can reach an amicable decision as to the next step but please please stop polluting the forum with this . The entertainment factor has officially expired on this thread unless boobs are posted.


x2, but see above.

danl - if you really have a problem with J & S, visit his shop and discuss it with him. Thrashing someone’s shop on a public forum is not cool, especially if you are not even one of their customers. I could see if you spent big $$ there, but it sounds like you did not.

If you joined our little slice of paradise just to start shit, then please sir DIAF. We have plenty of shit stirrers already. Matter of fact, this site has that market pretty much cornered.

jason from j&s touched my wiener once.

it then blew up

this happened on the dyno…


i think not.

Ironic you say that, back in the day when the Original hybridynamics disbanded you was hush hush
now it’s about someone else’s business, you are laughing. way to go :golf clap:

you fucked that shop and called quits.

Who the fuck is eric ?

Edit: oh yeah eric S :rofl: not once ever talked to him in years . so really it’s a BS conclusion to say heard from eric or the bandwagon…

roll with the truth. you quit

I find this extremely funny because it was broad statement that i cant back up. you fell into the shennigans with the internet about people talking shit about shops. did i mention it was drama you fell into ?

see how i am working this and you fell into this. nothing more or less. You brought up shit that nothing i was inquiring in.



Hook line sinker i know ZERO :rofl:

Internet sucks don’t it ?

Nope, not me, you expressed it as entertaining, I rolled with it.

Back fired on yourself.

no problem with you or the “past”. Have my own problems. I simply rolled with what you posted that is all.
read everything posted here. nothing personal.