I’m in the middle of taking out my piece of shit ka24e and swapping in a ka24de but I’m having a hell of a time getting at the down pipe. I’m doing this all with the car on jackstands, so I don’t have the benefit of doing this in a pit which would make this a whole lot easier.
Does anyone have any tips on how I should go about getting at the down pipe?
Also, what should I keep in mind when I am unbolting the driveshaft? Are there just those 4 bolts and it comes loose?
Willing to also pay someone to give me a hand in finishing this up :partyman:
The 4 smaller bolts at the back of the drive shaft are a hell of a lot easier to get off than the larger ones. After you get those off you can just slip the yoke out of the end of the transmission. You should drain the transmission if you haven’t already done so or else it will leak out.
About 12’’ of extansions and a swivel will help to get the downpipe off. Just put a breaked bar on the ratchet and pull till either the ratchet breaks or the bolt does.
Spray a shit load of WD40 or an equivalent on the downpipe bolts and let it soak in, overnight if possible. That should clear up any rust and ish on the nuts. Mine were hard as hell to get off. This probably will help with the driveshaft bolts.