
ok I know one of you motor heads have to know what to do…

I have a 1987 TRX 70 that is down to frame, and need to know if anyone knows either how to put it back together or can give me any pointers, or maybe even help me put it back together. I dont even know where to start or if I have all the parts. I have no problem spending the money, I just dont know what I need. It started as a project for my ex to build for my nephew for his birthday, and he started working on it, bought i think most of the parts that were needed, and then he left lol sooooo kinda have my nephews b-day present sitting in the garage in pieces, so any help would be fantastic…thanks for reading

If it were me I’d start by finding the manual for the thing,
otherwise unless you know it inside and out there is no way to know if you even have all the parts.
Good luck.

not a dude. lol

Hah, yeah, I did a double take when I read the name :smiley:
Either way I wouldn’t try to do it without a manual of some kind.

Search online for a repair manual. Just google search it or check forums. I found a manual for my gixxer via google search.

Hank might be able to do something with it.

what the heck is this suppose to mean nick?!?!?! lol

I already have a manual for it, so Im at least that far, i just dont know how to put it together.

I was able to put my f4i back together but it took me a whole winter, im tryin to do this before 11/16 cuz thats his b-day…so i figured if i had help then it would be quicker

Here’s a bananna for good luck


thanks for the banana but i think im gunna need more then that lol…

so i guess we are gunna hang out in my garage tonight and drink some beers and try to put this thing together lol sooooo if you know anything and wanna join that would be fantastic lol…

:excited :excited :excited :excited :excited

I would help but i’m workin til 9 then going to change the oil on my bike and put the newly painted fairings on and get it ready to ride tomorrow. :nod

did ya get the job at foriegn auto parts

If you’ll still be doing it over the weekend I could join in, otherwise I work nights so can’t.

yea i dont blame you, im riding tomorrow too, its suppose to be gorgeous out, but i dont need to do anything tonight to prepare so i dont have an excuse lol

I never went back with my driving record thing from DMV

Im sure its gunna take a while lol

I’ll volunteer to help, I’m generally pretty good at putting things back together that were already apart, haha

well your more then welcome to join us lol

ummm, I could help tonight after I figure out why the hell I’m burning coolant, haha. I’m pretty free tomorrow also

lol ok well im sure we will be out here all night

Dammit I want to help lol

PM’d ya with my phone number to get a hold of me

so come on over lol