high idle problem

well my car has gone from a bad idle to hardly running. when i start the car cold it tries to run but dies, happens several times until it runs. i have to let it warm up for a bit or when i give it a bit of throttle it bogs out and almost dies again. runs fine when its warm though. high idle but runs fine…

this could be a stupid question but isnt travis’s car a 180SX, so couldn’t you borrow a OBD scanner from crappy tire and plug it in? :?

I had my AAC off last summer. You have to take the whole intake off. On the Red top engine, the coolant circulates through the AAC, and a bi-metal spring opens and closes an air bipass valve. So as the engine warms up, the spring changes length and the valve closes indicating the engine is warmed up. I took mine out and put it in a pot of boiling water to test it.

There is also an o-ring around the screw that i guess could fail and allow more air in.

This all may or may not help.


Since you seem to have no sensor troubles, I’ll go with rob and say its the idle air valve.

However, have you tried the brake cleaner trick to check for an air leak? Just spray some cleaner around the hoses and if the idle bumps up, you know you have an airleak in that area.

If its heat related, it may be an injector o-ring. Those can produce the problems you’ve been having.

ya it seems like it may be the idle valve. but like i was saying, the car idles around 2000 rpm and it takes a couple tries to get the car running and when it warms up it runs fine besides the idle. all my lights pulse rapidly as well. seems like the rpms go up and down really quickly along with the pulsing lights. i did a boost leak test recently and everything was fine. i did replace all my intercooler hose clamps with t bolt clamps a couple days ago but my problems were going on way before that.

Time to replace/clean the idle control valve and replace injector o-rings. Hopefully it works!!!

let me know how it goes

how is ur maf? ecu has any trouble codes?
With idler valve just take the screw and the spring out clean it out real well put it back together. And with megan mani its all tight? no exhaust leaks.

Last thing to check is if ur tps is set to .46 47 or whatever fsm says for sr. My kat did that loopidy loop drop to 500 rpm than back up to 1200 etc i checked everything than look at tps and its .52 V closed while fsm says .46 . Adjusted tps, unpluged tps readjusted idle screw to idle at 900 pluged tps back in quiet happy ever since.