Hiring: IT Helpdesk

all pm’s & emails replied to as of now

Good way for someone just starting out in IT to get some lines on their resume.

Transfer to the columbus office, then profit.

Also if you have any interest in moving to columbus, we may be hiring a helpdesk person there as well. It would be part time until the end of the year, then likely will be full time, around the same pay. You would pretty much have your own IT department there which would lead to network admin/IT manager there. They are growing quick over there. Beginning of this year they were about 20 people, end of this year they will be about 35-40, next year 50-60.

colombus is a really nice city too… Hmmmmm…

can i get paid more

i know xp and networking!

ill punch you in the dick on a daily basis if you want :loopie:

punch or suck?

ding, like i said great opportunity for someone. Columbus is a great place, I have friends who work IT there…

Sorry all of the other higher up positions are filled :frowning:

again though, it is a growth position for sure, to give a concept of this for example look at the following people in the department:

Sureshot!, our Network Admin, and myself all started at $10/hr as part time interns.

I have been here 4 years come november, Sureshot! has been here 2 1/2 years (I believe), our network admin has been here 1 1/2 years.

I have gotten 4 30% (give or take a few %) raises already, one was mid year.

Sureshot! has typically been given a 30% raise each time he was reviewed and he has had 3 I believe.

Network admin is about the same…

None of this is guaranteed, it is just the way every single person here has gone so far. The company is growing, and working towards IPO, it is just not your typical Buffalo company that is shutting down and laying people off.

it’s true. as long as you don’t suck, working for a startup company is the shit.

although it’s hella more stressful than working at an established mature company as there are frequently less defined roles, procedures and processes are still being developed, and employees are always… no, expected to step outside their position and take on other responsibilities.

but as aforementioned, if you want to go from $10/hr to ~45-50k/yr in 2 years, there is no better place to be ( and there is a much much higher pay ceiling )


too much sureshotting for one building! :stuck_out_tongue:

fuck that other kid he’s a gay


But we could play the NYSpeed home edition

wow this sounds great, how many people are supported?

Jim looks like a promising position, deff something I would have been interested 9 months ago since my new career change. That said, I cannot apply; I have to be the boss man of one deranged person… j/k

Fuzzyfish if you are reading this get back to work dammit :smash2:

Someone should jump on this ASAP

forgot this in my reply to your PM.

Local support in buffalo is about 90 people, phone support for about 6 people, and BACKUP phone support for Columbus which is about 30 people. Columbus has its own helpdesk but he is part time so if they have issues when he is not there we respond.

So here Chino have them make you a CIO and hire me :tup:

You’d have to have a financial and systems analysis background for the other half of my job, but hey - you convince them to make me the CIO, i’ll put in a good word :stuck_out_tongue: