today was our first real snow in buffalo my friend and i every year go and “drift” parking lots once a week or so after school. we hadent even gotten to the parking lot yet and he tries to “drift” his fwd saturn around a sweeping long turn. long story short he curbed it sideways going like 20-30 mph the car is going to cost about a grand to fix lol ( he has some real anti-gangster positive camber now)
i was running fm901’s on the front today and slicks on the back cause my dad used my winter tires up until today. sucked. i spun out getting off my driveway, went to pick up gf at scarb. twon center, on the way there, and back, i slid 893274928374239874 times, then went home, put 3/4 winter tires on in 15 mins, until my lugnut key twisted on me, than it took me another 2 hours to do the 4th wheel… just for the fact… winter tires or not, doesnt really make a difference when u hit ice, if you can drive u be aight, if u cant, good luck to ya.
I saw something similar happen on the 401 on my way to windsor last year, but it was a taxi not a mustang, he just HAD to pass me (I was doing 110-115) and there was no way around me
I kept a respectable distance infront of me for any eventuality, but the moment he got a chance he swerved in and gunned it, did a 270 into the guardrail, I had slowed down enough by then to avoid it (I changed lanes without looking but what could I do hit the guy head on?)
and in my rearview you guessed it a transport swerved to avoid and ended up in the ditch and almost wiped out 5 cars on the way, I wasn’t sure but it looked like the truck ended upside down
how anyone could have such a short attention span regarding black ice in this country…
Derek I know exactly what your talking about, I was at king and the 400. So im driving down king (left off the 400) all hills, up down, bends, i was like oh goddd. Now keep in mind I have BALD falken summer tires (1mm tread)( i didnt think it was gonna snow). The road was slicked with ice! I went to the dealership, and then left 45 minutes later. Im coming back and I see about 4 cars in the ditch, so im like oh shit. Im going up and down these hills, shitting my pants. I go up the bigger hill and this dumb fuck in an Jimmy 4wd decides that half way up the hill hes gonna slow down to about 10 km/hr. I was in 3rd gear, just barely making it up the hill, and I DID not want to gear down to second otherwise id surely spin out. Im at like 1100 rpm in third, and the car starts bucking and the wheels just start spinning, and the car is sliding backwards! FUCK. I give it a bit of gas, pumping it a bit and I finally get traction and make it up the hill. Scary fucking drive home let me tell you, never again. On the highway in 5th gear if id tap the gas a little too hard, the back end would start to swing out, NOT FUN. Oh and I saw about 2-3 more accidents on the 400 South.
Another thing, these fucking idiots on the highway RIP it in a lane only to slam the breaks right before they hit the rear of another car. Then they change lanes and do it all over again. I believe a good driver, consists of someone who can control their car when it is out of control.
agreed. people that can’t drive usually make a bad situation worse by overcorrecting or doing something stupid like locking the brakes instead of changing lanes when thats all you need to do to save your sorry ass
Yah it was pathetic today, I have bald Falkens on my GTR still… gets going just fine but stopping was fun, so I kept my distance.
PEOPLE DO NOT know how to drive according to the weather, and people who think AWD means you can speed, are just stupid.