Holy torque steer....

John, I am crying, on the inside. I value you as a friend, and hope I dont have to get Sgt. Trooper involved. Cyber threats is SRS BZNS. :lol


Well now that this thread has lived to the useful extent of its life, here is a pic of my new hat.

Shut up bitches. Now it’s controllable. It pulls right a tiny bit, but i think it needs to be aligned. And i think it’s torque steer. Cuz it’s not as bad as b4

Got some bad torque steer on a 1-2 shift tonight. I’m a bit concerned.

i got torque steer in reverse in a 240sx tonight, should i be concerned?

Yes, any and all torque steer is bad

I was torque-steering all the way home from LVD tonight, I was in tears the whole time I couldn’t even think straight omg.

I have those shoes.

I have your tow straps.

Shut up assholes. It wasn’t torque steer.

Lock this. It’s done


I torque steered repeatedly with swaiknow in the car last year. It resulted in an angry transmission.

4 cylinder honda with torque? :wierd