Hood latch problems, any ideas?

I went to pop my hood and put more washer fluid int today…hood wouldn’t pop. It was by no means freezing out…probably in the high 30’s low 40’s. After pulling the release (just a plastic handle that pulls a metal cord and pops the latch) about 10 times it still hadn’t popped. so I pulled up on the hood and it popped…finally.

got home and tried again, same problem…I can see this developing into a serious “messy windshield” problem when it starts to snow again…

I will use my washer fluid sparingly, for now.

/end vent


thanks for sharing


I meant to post that in off topic…sorry guys…I guess I get to be the first to prove the recent debate.

could be worse…at leats its kinda automotive.



ford = fix or repair daily? :-\

so I’m told




spray your hood latch with some PB blaster rust penatrant and work the latch a few times it will go away, if you find your self alone and in need to open your sticking hood, open your door put on hand on the hood release and work it back and forth and with your left hand hit the hood (almost like you punching it*) and the hood will usually pop open.

*don’t be stupid and punch you hood near the center because you might dent it if your a tough guy like me :pimp: hit it on twords the side where its reinforced and your golden.

Thanks for the title fix

I would have to call that GOOD modding


and thank you for the advice.


I would clean it with an aerosol solvent like brake parts cleaner to remove gunk buildup then spray it liberally with penetrating oil. That will definitely fix the problem. I would also coat it w/ some white Lithium grease or something similar that would give lasting corrosion prevention

i had this problem with my car. lithium grease doesnt help, and i was told you actually shouldnt use it. you prolly need a new hood latch cable

You can’t take one step from the 3 that I mentioned, you have to do all of them, in order. A light coat of white lithium grease will prevent future corrosion. Of course you shouldn’t apply it heavily or repeatedly as it will cause build-up

I think I’ll start with the sprays/cleaners and then work my way up to replacing the actual mechanism…seems logical that way.

but when the hell did I start using logic
