
They are fucking important when you actually use them :banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead

that is all

dont you mean bangwindshield?

Unless you actually need them I can’t stand hoodpins.

So your car has hoodpins and you forgot to put them in? Do I win?

Hope you have better luck with your new hood…:rofl

yes you win, I fail. I actually need hoodpins because of the fact that I have no upper rad support = no hood latch mechanism. Done so because of pushing the rad forward 4" with EG33 inplace. Otherwise I wouldn’t run them either.

Taco’ed the hood and took out the front glass.


I dunno. I’m so pissed I may just smash this one back straight and fucking run it. Just blends in the rest of the smashed body panels on the pass side :shifty

Cars’ starting to look like a a run after Block was behind the wheel

you are not having good luck lately

today was just a bad day for cars i guess.

call me back some time. maybe i can give you money to buy a new hood… if you do something for me… like favors…

Shoot me a message. I often forget to call people back :frowning:

Why, who else shit went south?

my dumper has them, fiberglass hood aint goin ANYWHERE

my alternator finally shit the bed…

ya don’t say:Idiots

shit is scarey when it happens,just never have had it happen to me on the street just the racecar

Damn, dude. How fast were you going? I lost a hood one day when I worked at alpin haus. Going down the northway at 80 in their Escort parts car. The thing released somehow and nobody ever told me the secondary catch broke so they took it out. WAAAMMMO right off the windshield! I drove to the nearest exit looking through the 3 inch section between the hood and the dash! lol

That shit got hood pins on the ride back to a-dam. lol

My alternator failed as well, but it wasn’t yesterday

F-UUUUUU. I don’t joke about this shizzle

This is after I folded it back some just to get the bitch to close over the pins


I just pulled out onto Sandcreek from JVG’s house. got about 1/4 mile down the road, ~30mph maybe. Enough to make the hood wrap over the roof and slam the scoop into the glass. Drove to work today looking through a web.

ROFL your something else. That car is a tank man!


Just called Byron. He’s got a white '02 hood for me up north for 450 just as JVG said. Lucked out on that part…