Hotrod Etest

Hey guys ,

Can anyone verify the limits for a hotrod test on a SR?

Does :

HC - 66
CO% - .37
NO ppm - 757

Sound about right?

im pretty sure hotrod is like 200, 1% and i forget NOx… maybe uh… 2000? sorry i forget that one

HC is 2XX, CO is 1.50%, NOx is 3,XXX while running, i forget the idle numbers.

Thanks guys,

Had papers from way-back that were “apparently” hotrod status and the limits were as i listed. Hard to believe, did research and found that the numbers were closer to 3x the original numbers ; if anyone wants the limits feel free to PM me.

why wouldn’t you just post them? wth…

What do you have to bring to the emission place to prove to them the car is to be ran as a hotrod? I have the SR swap and I would like to pass legitamtiely through hotrod status. Anyone?

Search this-- it’s been covered.

In summary: it depends on the shop.