How did 1st day go?

my fox pro is a fx3 as well. just got it last winter and use it alot for crow hunting and now fox/coyote. Even took it in the woods to locate turkey before but dont use it to turkey hunt

No but i’m up for learning anything. i just picked up my new groundhog gun a few weeks ago. .17 fireball, i’m cookin up some loads too. some 25 gr v-maxs should take down a yote without a exit hole

I use mine to locate turkeys as well … Crow hunting is fun … I never do a whole lot of that.

Actually even with a small 25gr. v-max (even out of a .17 fireball) will do damage … All “v-maxs” will do damage, as that is what they are designed to do. Obviously a .17 fireball w/ v-max will do less damage than my .223 w/ a 55gr. v-max … but will still do damage. The .17 fireball is designed to be so fast, when that polymer tip stops and the lead keeps moving … its going to blow (especially if you hit bone) … A clean shot behind should hitting no bone and taking both lungs should do minimal and should be easily sewn up.

If any of you guys wanna hook up and go sometime … let me know!

maybe we’ll do that, i’m down to hunt some other areas.

I just cant wait for saturday. its my lucky day of deer season. First saturday i usually always see nice deer and when i dont get one first day, i usually tag on first saturday

Yeah let me know if/when you wanna go after rifle season is over … we’ll try to lay some fur down.

I know what you mean … late October has always been lucky for me in Archery season … especially the last two seasons (Last year, my birthday, Oct. 30th 10 Point 3.5 year old deer) (This year, Oct. 31, halloween, 9 point 4.5 year old deer)

i skipped the v-max and went for the 25gr hollow points. i also cleaned out the stock of rem small rifle benchrest primers so i’ll be working on some loads this weekend. the 20 grain v-maxs i’m using now blow up on anything, which i really don’t mind because there’s no riccohet

I’m up for hunting with any of you guys. i’ve got a new scope going on after christmas and i’ll have to get a light of some sort. i’d love to take a coyote this season

Hollow points work well out of a .17.

Make sure you get a light to scan with and a scope mount. I have a head light you can borrow when er go out if you need one

Well I went out saturday and saw loads of deer. Probly 30 all together with about 4-5 bucks

However only 1 was legal, and it was a tiny 8 point. Barely over the ears. I passed on that oppurtunity but my brother shot a similar sized 7 point just minutes before. His shot spooked that herd to me and that little 8 point came up. My bro told me there was a nicer 6 pt in the group that came by after he shot his, so i decided to wait and see if it worked its way up to me. Oh well, never came

Did see my first bear in the woods. Black bear cub, it was neat to see. Also my bro and my dad saw a nice sized coyote :slight_smile: They didnt shoot tho. I’m going up saturday i think to give it one last try and if nothing comes out by noon-ish i may not hunt the afternoon. We’ll see.

At least you had a good day and saw deer moving around. Thats awesome that you saw a bear …

the 25gr HPs are wicked. 75yds they punched thru my wood backstop like it was butter, i think they’re definitely coyote capable. what kind of range are you calling them into? <100yds right?

a scope light like this any good?

Depends on what area I am hunting … Some areas where I take a shot gun I have called fox at 20 feet away.

Some other places it totally depends … I try for around 100 yards but sometimes it dosn’t happen. Took a grey fox the day before thanksgiving that hung up at the woods line @ 250 yards that I took.

That scope light is decent, but Primos (optronics) makes larger ones. I use there 250 yard light, and they also make a 350 yard light.

I actually have to take my 250 yard light back because something came loose in it … no clue what though.

I’m not really not sure what the effective range of this gun is yet, i’ll look into the 250 yarder, it’s only 15 bucks more than a 100

btw i got my scope in today. nikon buckmasters 6-18x40, it’s a beautiful piece of glass, should suit this gun perfectly

Effictive range of a .17hmr or fireball? Thats a FAST moving caliber, that can travel a long distance in a short amount of time … but on the flip side being so fast will hurt you as you get out there.

You should be fine for a couple hundred yards on a fox/yote … as long as your a good shot but not with a hmr …

I would rather have more caliber for coyotes … but a .17 will do that part … as long as you do yours

I use a camo nikon buckmasters 3-9 on my .223 for predators … I used to use exclusivly leupold optics … than over the last few years I have only been buying/using Nikon (Spotting scopes, binos, rangefinders, scopes etc.) and have never had one let me down.

The 250 yard Primos (optroninics) scope light is a nice unit for the money … but for somereason mine had something come loose.

i usually have a guy with the call and light, and a shooter. use a 1 million candlepower rechargeable spotlight with a red filter lense. its good to see eyes up to 400 yards or so, can see pretty good up to 150-200. Red light doesnt like to travel that far tho

for my 12ga, i have a 100yard light that attaches to my magazine extension tube which i just use as a weight to knock off some of the muzzle jump and recoil of the big shell loads. Flip on/off switch mounted to the pump foregrip. works good. whereever that light casts a beam, thats where the buckshot will go. its a sight and a light at the same time

its a fireball. factory rem 700sps with a 24" barrel. i’m a decent shot, but it is a new rifle and i’m not 100% yet

The million power spotlights never seem to last very long, and I havnt found a red lense that I liked the “red” on them.

I also never liked throwing that much light out all the time. I use a small headlamp to pick eyes out … And only turn my scope light on when I’m set to shoot.

Sometimes they are skidish to come into brighter light … But sometimes when you put a second brighter beam on them they become skidish too.

I’m not sure how red the light is suppose to be, but the lense i have is pretty red. the last two animals i had in that light definately didnt see the beam of light as they arent suppose to beable to see that color.

Nice … I have yet to shoot a fireball. I own a few different .17s (both rim & center) but not a fireball(yet)

Thats a myth … they still see the “light” … The red filter makes it so it dosn’t strain there eyes and spook them. A lot of guys use green or yellow filters in areas that are hunted heavily (they WILL get used to the fact that a “bang” comes with the red light) … Just like most relay a car with white light.

If its pretty red thats good … most of the filters I have seen for handheld spotlights are pinkish, cast horrible halos of white light, and are a PITA.

really? they tend to not act any different when the light comes on. Deer instantly notice white light but dont notice the red but i understand deer are different.

i never tried to spot a fox with white light so i dont know what would happen. I do know my beagle knows when the red light comes on. I believe he can see it as he certainly moves his head toward the light when i cast it on the floor away from him

Deer are different … There eyes are totally different.

A fox or yote will general look towards the light when you spot them … but not always. I notice when I spot eyes with my headlamp … then switch to my scope light for the shot they usally freeze for a second, because of the change of the brightness in the light hitting them.

Also if you spot them … never take the night off because they ALWAYS notice that change if you pull it off then re light them … The light itself serves two purposes … One to obviously see them at night, and the light also acts as a cover for the shooter. Just like if someone shine a flashlight in your eyes … its hard to see what there doing behind it.