How do I get my concealed permit in Saratoga County?

I definitely plan on getting a .45 XDM. I’d like a 9mm as it’d be slightly cheaper to shoot, and I think my gf could fire it without issue. I have no problem “settling” on the XD 9mm, or even the SW M&P 9mm.

Do want. Let’s shoot it. Now.

I know someone with the LCP380 and they love it so far as a CC firearm, but I don’t know if they’ve shot it yet. It’d suck though if you get the hunting/target restriction on your permit, as the LCP is a compact gun for CC. The reason I’m on the fence about the Bodyguard .380 is because if mine is restricted, there’s no reason for me to CC, thus no reason for such a compact gun.

I definitely approve of the M&P though.

Found what I’m going to get for a concealed carry firearm though. I think it’s very subtle, and should have no prob concealing it: