How do u adjust a Clutch

Cable actuated. Cables stretched and have to be tightened occassionally.

Yeah, but that wont help the clutch will it

The clutch pedal disenagages the clutch. If the cable is too loose then the clutch is not going to disengage properly.

Unless some jackass overtightened your Dad’s clutch cable and whoever adjusted it just backed it off properly, your Dad did not have a slipping clutch that was fixed by an adjustment.

OK, so would that loose cable or non functioning Hydralic sysem (in my case) cause the clutch to not engage proporly either ? hense causeing it to slip.

And my dad just told me that they had to stick some sort of tool in somewhere, on the tranny or after the clutch, it makes no sense to me but thats just whats he saw, has anyone ever heard of this before ?

^ are you ignoring everything bikerfry has been posting??? SLIPPING IS WHEN THE CLUTCH WON’T DISENGAGE…NOT ENGAGE…engagement is letting go of the clutch pedal, pushing it in is DISENGAGING

EDIT: also…you REALLY need to stop reffering back to your dad’s accord adjusting…that was a cable clutch system, and has absolutely nothing to do with what is going on with your car. you either need to check the forum linked by biekerfry on how to adjust the pedal, or you need a new clutch. plain and simple. and please stop posting two sentance posts one right after the other. thats what the edit button is for.

hold up, I’m confused now when the pedel is in the clutch is engaged when it is out an ur foot is off of it, it is disengaged, Sorry about the confusion, all this Engage/disengage is making my head hurt, Correct me if I’m wrong about this.

Thanks, Im just tryin to get this shit straight, not worry about fourm correctness

I feel bad that I kind of gave up on this thread. I can only post the same thing so many times. There are only a couple very unlikely things it could be other than a bad clutch, and their troubleshooting steps have already been pointed out.

OK lets stop for a second, Could a lack of fluid in the system or bad slave cylinder be causing it to not hold under accelaration ? thats all I wanna know

If you would go back and read what has already been posted you will find your answer at least 3 times. No, a lack of fluid will not make your clutch slip. I sticking cylinder might.

Pedal down = disengaged
Pedal up = engaged

Just fucking take it to a shop. It needs something fixed that you won’t be able to do if you can’t take the time to read and learn the basics of how of a clutch works.

I’m done.

you have it backwards…edited for you:

when the pedel is in the clutch is DISengaged when it is out an ur foot is off of it, it is ENGAGED

Re-read thread, all the questions you have asked 10 times have been answered 10 times.

RE READ. you wonder why no one hires you at 17? That is why.

OK and a bad slave cylinder will cause it to not engage propely

I,m sorry if I pissed everyone off, No i dindnt read very well ,Im just tryin to check everything before having to replace the clutch, and i was told it was new (which means shit) so i really do appeciate all the info.

check the stealth forum on how to diagnose the clutch/slave/master. most car-specific forums have how-to’s to check maintenance on things like that most likely with pics to show you where stuff is located.

Besides your messed up clutch, your pedal could have a lot of play from a worn out return spring, but that could be one of many problems with your clutch.