How many beersz is in a keg?

And how much does it cost for one?


Fullsize keg = 15 gallons

1/2 Keg = 7 1/2 cases or 180 Beers

Depends on the Beer

1/2 Keg
Busch Genney-$50

Usually $25 Deposit for Tap and I think $75 Deposit for the keg

Thanks dudes. :tup:

Exactly - if you plan on getting guinness, your deposit is alot more (cause it needs a special keg for the nitrate) and heiniken is more too…talon you ever work at a consumers? if so, which one?

How much are quarters and how many adults does that consider to serve?

Read this for more info:

It is the beer store that i used in rochester. 1/4 Keg = 80 12oz beers 5/person = 16 people. If you drink like me, it is good for about 5-6 people lol

don’t drop it at all when there’s still beer in it! lol

The party I was at last Friday had a keg. They dropped it carrying it in. the beer was all foam the whole night.

we just went out and bought 2 kegs, fukin 120 for the beer, 230 for the deposits and tehy put a registration sticker on teh keg like i can drive the fuker down the road or something. In NC we had to pay 65 for the beer, and 5 for a deposit, free taps. I fukin hate the BULLSHIT laws in this state. They just love to punish people that are doing legal things, because of thier fucked up morals in albany.

Coors Light FTW!!!

^^^yeah, a Coors light keg of Course!

Eh, just got one last night. LOL $260 Deposit, only $85 or so is what you actually pay.


if you go to bison discount beverage on harlem, they will still only charge you the $20 deposit. So long as you look older than 12 lol.

:tup: For the win.

Im gonna go to Consumer’s Beverage by my house. Go figure the deposits are all crazy but the keg isnt all that much. Oh well whatever. Gotta have the dedication if you wanna get hammered. :smiley:

A quarter came to $193 including the $41 of actual beer.

Pretty lame deposits…

really? I just got a half keg of coors light with all deposits for a tap and a tub to keep it in for 195 at consumers :slight_smile:



A half keg would cost $75.99 alone with the link above from kegking.

You got a quarter.

if math class all the problems dealt with alchol there would be no failures

and if English class had anything to do with alcohol or cars we’d be able to understand you.