How many of you... [Illegal Mods]

No front plate.
License plate light out etc…

since I sold my camaro, nothing illegal… and that only had a loud exhaust. I don’t like to give them a reason to pull me over, and haven’t been pulled over in almost 10 years, even when I drive like I just robbed a bank during rush hour.

nothing. mine is stock, slow, and gay.


my exhaust is loud as fuck slp loud mouth resonators w/ no cats, havent been stopped for it once

no front plate.
~9 in tint on the top of my windsheild
no cats/ super loud exhuast

and im sure there is more lol

Drove my car with no front plate and illegal tint for over 3 years before getting stopped. Did I bitch when I finally got a ticket? No, because I knew it was illegal and my own fault.

i think the poll should show who voted…so we can point of the liars lol

sometimes i’ll drive in the buff

No front plates on any of the cars, and I’m going to go as far to say that the Lotus exhaust is a bit on the loud side…

Yep same here

On the Z just exhaust…they could give me a front plate ticket since it’s only zip tied on, but they’d have to be a big dick to do that.

On the bike exhaust as well, and illegal helmet since i just wear a skull cap. And at night, they could give me no eye protection as well since i don’t wear goggles…my windshield is sufficient to protect my eyes IMO.

loudest exhaust on Nyspeed like cobraman :lol:. tint, no front plate what ever else.
i dont get tickets

just my brake light is out lol
and my windshield is cracked, so i dont think i would pass inspection

oh. and i have honda badges on my acura

Lol, my rabbit doesn’t have a front plate. But the s2000 is 100% legal (aside from police and newman favorite “arrest me” yellow paint).

100% legal for now

I don’t really plan on modding it though

Ride Height.


edit- that’s actually not true. I modified my headlights, and I’m sure that’s illegal. I already voted though.

as of now, just tint.

motorbike is completely legit

they do ride height in NYS?

hmm, well my obdII port isnt hooked up, havent gotten my car inspected in 4 years, and i have and engine that was never emissions certified in the states. and no cat. my exhaust is actually quiet tho for being 3.5"
can u get a ticket for ur headlights being to low to the ground?