How much did you pay for your car & how much did you put into it

suby- omg im so glad i got out of that how i did:(
17,000-car(thank you mom and dad for the bday present)
20,000-parts/labor/fines/fees/time/omg it was hell(thank you Lancaster Country Club members with lots and lots of money. haha, cash/tips/under the table is incredible. cant wait for this summer, im going to be doing two rounds a day, instead of one)

sold for 16K cash. and i got out easy

saab-stock is actually fun!
12K cash for the saab
350 in used tires

soon to be 700-1500 in suspension/torque steer reduction

I don’t like advertising my car on the web, but I’ll say I got way too much into the MR.

And I do not regret it at all…

it’s hard to be able to say that…

but i like my car, and it’s worth to me what i have in it. it’s a 1994 4.6 thunderbird i bought in ohio 2 years ago at 44K for 4,500… i’ve replaced the trans, put a shift kit in it, tint, flowmaster exhaust and aside from that, just a couple basic tuneups and maintenance. had to have the u-joints replaced once… but i’m at 98K right now, and overall - pretty pleased with it. it’s been fairly quick (i do mean fairly - not FAST) and fun to drive, and used to get a lot of compliments til someone smacked it on the side. it still does… til people see the smack :slight_smile:

i mean, i dunno - cars aren’t really investments. you try not to get eaten alive by how much it costs to initially buy and maintain them throughout their lifetime - and mod them.

69 camaro
$1500 - 14 years ago
$4000 in parts
now ripped apart

spending $8000 in paint, bodywork, wheels, tires, engine, transmission, parts
and a few toys…

and it will still be worth more than what I put into it :slight_smile:


well, atleast I don’t have a car payment to any one specific car dealer. Instead my “payments” go to many, many, many different parts suppliers.

Do I regret it, YES. Am I having fun, YES

Oh well…

I can’t say the same, but I’m pissed at my car right now. It needs to stop being in the “shakedown” and start driving on the road.

The way I see it, is that it’s what I really love to do. I know I can get SOME of the money back IF I were to sell it, so in that respect it’s not a complete waste of money. But I really enjoy the car, and enjoy modifying it, and doing new things with it. Honestly it runs and drives as new, with all the stuff that’s been done. Maybe in the future I won’t modify other cars to the same extent I have with the MR…but I prob. still will, haha. The next car should be a Lotus Esprit. We’ll see…

this why I wanna go classic - those ain’t mods, those are “justifiable expenditures” :smiley: :tup:

GTP- 16,500
Motor- 3,500+/-
Syspention/wheels- 2,000+/-

$8500 for the car, obout $7,000 in mods

EDIT: <------focusinprogress

3k for the car.

About 4K IN MODS.

Just to add a little obnoxious perspective… The average GDP per capita in Mexico was a hair over $10,000 USD. So a lot of you have invested in your cars well over what the average Mexican will make in 2 years. :tup:

8K for the brick… not a dime into it :smiley:

mustang… paid 13K… put about 2500 into it (a few mods, but tires mostly lol)

lincoln… got it for 6K… put around 4K into it I’d estimate (some of that was from my own mistakes though)

1200 for the car initially, motor was knocking.
3500 in initial motor swap/mods.
since that point I am looking at about another 2000

so $6700 give or take

25,100 for the car

150 for my blizzaks
50 for 4 points

thats all i got so far hah

I still wanna hear how Dos has 9k into it.

not technically “in the car” yet, but badabing.

-edit- and I’m sure that’s not the entire $9k worth there.

well… thats a good way to start spending the $9k… :slight_smile:

i disagree with the people that say that a car is not an investment. in the end, you are still tying up a chunk of your money into something. why not be able to make money with that investment. im 20 years old and have owned approximately 10 cars ( give or take 2, i dont feel like listing them out in my head…5 of them were/are SHOs). i have never lost money on any of the cars i have bought except my one SHO that i bounced off a semi head on. When purchasing a car, my first and foremost thought is resale, and how much money i will MAKE when selling.

well, it depends on what kind of car u get and how much value it will hold.

for example, my truck is wort about 10 grand according to the blue book. a non-R/T version of my truck equipped the same otherwise (2wd club cab 5.2 V8) worth about 7 grand. this a a somewhat poor example though. something better would be, lets say a 02 WS6 Trans Am. they sold new for about 35 grand, and u see them for sale all day long at close to 30 grand for a 4 year old car. theres certain cars (camaros, vettes, mustangs, supras, rx-7s, 300ZXs, etc) that will always be worth something more than the average car.

now, take a pontiac catalina (best thing i can think of right now): wasnt really worth much back in the day, still inst worth much now. or take an old school civic (or any civic, for that matter): wasnt worth much when it was new, still isnt worth much now, wont ever really be worth much.

my point is that certain cars are more likely to hold thier value than others. the ones that are gonna be worth more someday are worth sinking money into, thse that arn’t are not unworthy of sinking money into, it’s jsut that u r doing it more for your personal enjoyment of the car than anything else