How much do you have in your "street car?"

Alot of people also spend alot of $ to never realize the potential of what they have started.

^^^I agree there. Instead of constantly buying the “newer/better” parts…I could have probably went ~almost~ as fast with what I already had.
But, oh well…Im REALLY happy with my current setup.

I guess i misread…i thought it said “this month”

:rofl: dayum…

which sadly enough…even that’s underestimated.

about 3k and still going

all money spent on a street car does not go completly into performence though…that end product would be a track car. One adds their own touches…things they like or enjoy everyday while driving there car. One may put in thousands in speakers, rims, or lights but thats what they enjoy and thats all that matters. I know for my car speed isn’t everything. I also want a car that handles great, and has a killer sound system, not to mention dead sexy looks :slight_smile:

$2k for car with no mods= 9.70’s at lancaster =14’s in the 1/4 i think
$500 in parts = 13.70’s at NYI
Then the new motor. $7k in parts/suspension/motor/tranny = 12.29 at NYI
Then this year $1400 on a blower and some other things I am hoping for some low 11’s, but thats if my driving is ok.

I think I’ll be just over $5k by spring time
~$1,000 for turbo set up
~$1300 for completely rebuilt motor
~$1300 for coilovers
~$350 CF hood
~$400 for bigger brakes, knuckles, axles
~$1000 for bodywork/repaint (comeing soon)
plus prolly another $1k for next year
not counting things done from before i bought the car, which i’ve sold some stuff to get some money back

i definatly spent way to much money on my neon.

Don’t have an exact tally, but i probably could have bought another car…

HA! Bladez and I were discussing this at the gym, i dont have an exact tally either but rough off the top of our heads we figured i’m easily over $20k+ and climbing. Cant regret it, its been alot of fun, this year should top off the fun factor :wink:


Not enough yet!

Chump change opposed to previous vehicles…seriously about $1000

STi not much at all, def in the 0-5K range and it is an always running daily driver…

MR2 also was 0-5K but almost into the next bracket… ran most of the time

S14 was 5-10K and it never ran.

anyone see the trend there? :stuck_out_tongue:

mo’ money, mo’ problems

I think Finalgts gets the #1 spot for this thread. His upgrade can buy several nice cars.

Anyone else take into consideration their previous mods like I did? THATS where the money goes…:sad:

Yes, I have an 86 notch

this year is going to push me over $10k