How much do you spend on gas/fuel for your car or truck? lets say per week, or month

I have a spread sheet tracking all this since I bought my car back in 2007.

2002 A4 1.8TQM
average 20.1 miles/day @ 22.3 MPG (mostly city)
average $20.16/week in gas @ $3.15/gallon.

Its been a pretty handy tool to analyze the effects driving habits, maintenance, and even weather has had on gas mileage. Its also been useful in my considerations to getting an S4… plug in the expected MPG and seeing the expected impact at the pump broken right down to how much more it would cost me per day.

Since my very first fill up in Sept. 2007, I have burned through 1118 gallons of gasoline costing approx. $3500.

It be kind of weird for a car manufacturer to make a car run richer when the tank is low on fuel. I always contributed it to lower overall volume capacity as the gas goes down that contributes to the needle moving faster.

I wouldn’t think the level of gas would make any difference in consumption in the way that engine temp does.

Factor in the weight of having an extra 100lbs of fuel in the vehicle as well.

this is part of what i ment. But what im saying is when i have a full tank i tend to drive harder on the car floor it more stuff like that cause i know i have alot of gas. When i dont have as much gas i take it easy when im driving and in the end get better mpg… if that makes any sense.

All good points. I never even gave it any thought. It was something that I just thought I heard somewhere that cars burn more fuel on a lower tank but maybe I misunderstood it.

Makes sense to me, my lead foot gets lighter and lighter the longer my gas light stays on lol.

I floor the piss out of my truck when it is full… not so much when there is 5 mi left on a tank, and I’m 6 miles from the nearest gas station.

I try not to think about it… when I first got the car… a lot, now, not so much.

i drive maybe 35 miles a month and go through $40 in gas, car blows gas at the moment

Year round about $40 a week to go to work then school then home plus a place on the weekend. Throw in trips and getting others to drive like $160-200 a month.

2008 Impala DD
Drive about 350 miles a week, average 25 mpg, gas is about $3, so roughly $42 a week
I do have an excel table at home where I track miles and mileage, but I doubt you are looking for something that detailed.

Now once the weather breaks and the DD sees less of the road, the MPG will go down and cost will go up.

'96 Civic Hx.
About $30/week, minimum 100 miles a week just for work, not including weekend errands and other misc trips.
When empty, car barely takes 9gal. to fill up.

Lately I’ve been driving the Blue Dragon, mileage has gone down a bit…

06 evo
220 miles a week
220 miles/tank
around 11 gallons to fill back up at 359/gallon
right around $40 a week

at that rate its more efficient to spend 1000 on a beater that gets 35mpg and after a year or so it will pay itself off in gas savings

last year… 200-300 a month avg… this year… i fill up about 1x a week or 2 weeks. its 50 bucks each time…

Looks like about $100 a month…

Whats that app?

Road Trip. They have a lite version that offers most basic functionality, but the normal one is $5. Theres a few other fuel log type of deals, I like this one best.

Thanks, got it.