how much power can stock a h22 motor make

Where did you find this information?

+1 Yea, you can’t buy a DC header and make power on a H22, but that is because it is good from the factory. If you have a B and a H next to each other, doing the same mods, when you came to the header and went with a DC (or any other off the shelf) header on the B, you wouldn’t need to replace the OEM piece on the H (thus SAVING you money). If you got into ‘real’ headers (RMF, Hytech, Bisi etc.) you’d be spending the about same on either motor.

What proof do you have they suck? It might be your opinion, but you’re also spreading misinformation. And the internals being more expensive has nothing to do with ‘less’ people modding them. The B-Series was around well before the H. So people started working with them FAR sooner. When the H did come out many people did not want to leave the beaten path of the B-Series. It might have been more to build an H series 5-10 years ago, but not today.

+1 You could make the argument that you ‘need’ to re sleeve the H in order to use forged pistons. But with the mahle golds that are now proven to work in FRM, there is no need.