how much power can stock a h22 motor make

Seriously, its a few dollars. You act like it costs 300 dollars more or some bullshit number like that… if you want to go off laskeys, thats fine. So its a total of $75 more dollars…

…but with eagle rods and mahle golds you can still run 20psi… and I guess I’ll just save myself $25 dollars by not buying those valves. :wink:

Annnd, I never said H series was god. This is a “how much power can stock h22s make”… What I was attempting to do was provide useful information in regards to the h22. Where have you said anything useful in this thread?

You can be childish all you want and tell me to go fuck myself. If you wanna compare dicks, thats fine bud… your car is faster than mine. But I guess you have that Travis Koch attitude, right? Since you have a faster car… that means you have the authority to tell me to go fuck myself?

Okay Travis… you win.

And just to let you know… my car should be good for low 14s… I might take it to lebanon just to see what it does… but thats it.

I do not street race my car.
I do not drag race my car.
I have no intentions on doing anything else to my car to make any more power than what it already has. How fast my car is has no bearing on my life… it doesnt make it any harder for me to sleep at night knowing someone has a faster car than me… its not the end of the world. =)

I’m not in competition with anyone. I build my car for fun… and I autocross it. I have a lot of fun for that 60+ seconds on the course… I know that doesn’t build up my street cred y0… but tough shit.