Some of the stations have the “Car/Light Truck” nozzles, I know Jim’s Truck Stop has both.
WTF Brake Fluid in the engine, haha
Head gasket sealer in the coolant?
what an idiot
At Jim’s the diesel nozzle is so big I can hardly get it into my truck.
Do they sell diesel in front by the road? If so… no matter what vehicle it is, the fuel filler openening is larger, it isn’t based on how big your car is.
doubt it… lol
I had a station attendent come RUNNNING out telling me I was putting diesel in my car, and more then once the pump was shut off on me.
ya also the delta sonic ones have smaller nozzles, some stations just cheap out and put the small ones on, i like the small ones better for my car makes it easier to pump.
Thats crazy.
I’ve never experienced anything like that… haha
I don’t like the ones at Jim’s… they’re too big and I can’t go full throttle. Though, 1/4 throttle on one of those is plenty fast.
That, and I only fill up like once every month and a half.